St. Dominic Savio School is located in Andheri, Mumbai (India) and is part of the global Don Bosco family. The population is multi-religious, multi lingual and multi state. All in the 5th to the 10th grade have a fixed syllabus as prescribed by the Maharashtra state board of education. To the prescribed syllabus, the school adds its own. The kids are taught Value education, Catechism to the Christians, Computer literacy and physical education. The newest thing on campus is the E.T.C. (Education Through Computers). Students are taught by the means of the computer. Subject teachers design their own programs as per syllabus and prepare their own presentation, from which the children benefit greatly. The programs are all tailor made to suit the subject and the class. The children have a wide choice of activities ranging from games to music, from dance to public speaking. Participation is amazing. The activities are entirely free. The school boasts of a computer center that is the best equipped in the area. St. Dominic Savio School has a variety of programs and models for students with special needs. To the weaker students, the school provides the facility to study, with the possibility of extra tuition (at the semi-boarding). And to the exceptionally gifted, the school challenges them to out do their own abilities by answering scholarship exams in science and math. St. Dominic Savio School has an Open School for dropouts with a set of its own teachers in three categorized departments, one library/media specialist and an entire center equipped for counseling (“PRAFULATA”). Sports too form an integral part of our system of education. Though winning tournaments is a bonus, it is not the aim. The aim is to give the kids the value that consistency and hard work pays. The community and parents have grown accustomed to the individual and specialized approach to learning and desire to see this continue at St. Dominic Savio. St. Dominic Savio is committed to providing a learning environment that will identify and meet the learning needs of all students with the support and assistance of parents and community.