A Lesson From Children on How to be Happy
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Taking a Lesson From Children on How to be Happy


“Happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.” ~Chuang Tzu


Just pause and reflect! Aren’t we all planning all the time to keep ourselves happy, trying to make others happy and a lot more? We all want more joy, health, and lasting happiness in our lives, we all do! In the process, we must not forget the ‘I’ in happiness. If I am happy, the world seems a better place to live in!


 At GEMS Modern Academy, they believe in ensuring that their students are mentally, emotionally, and physically fit. A happy child learns more and learns better. Facilitators at GMA have embarked on this journey by following two mantras! 


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Laugh more often! There is so much to laugh about. Don’t worry about looking silly or being the one with the loud laugh. Laughter is contagious and immediately changes your mood.


Be present in the moment and enjoy the beauty of life. There is much to be grateful for and enjoy. In the bid to search or wait for better things, we lose out on precious moments of our lives.


We all are blessed with the most adorable gift of God - Children!

Instead of teaching them, let’s take few lessons of happiness from them!


Check out: Timetable for Success: Class 11 Science Stream


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GEMS Modern Academy