How to Apply for Delhi School Admissions 2024-25
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Vaishnavi Gurung
5 months ago
Apply for Delhi School Admissions

Navigating the process of filling out a school admission form online has become increasingly crucial in today's digital age. This makes it important to understand the steps involved as to how to fill out a school admission form and make this experience smoother and less daunting. 

Apply to multiple nursery schools of your choice by filling in just one application form through Ezyschooling.

Apply for Nursery Schools in Delhi 2024-25

In this article, we'll learn the essential steps and considerations for completing an online school admission form. From creating an account to submitting crucial documents, we'll provide you with the knowledge to navigate this online application process confidently.

There are two ways in which you can fill out a school form:

  • using Ezyschooling’s website, a completely safe & secure admissions portal, or
  • by the school's website or submitting the form offline.

Filling out admission forms directly through a school's website is a very tedious task if you want to apply to multiple schools.

Applying via Ezyschooling provides several benefits to the user, like:

  • Apply to multiple schools with just one single form in just 15 minutes.
  • Track your application status anytime in one place.
  • Get all application status alert messages on your WhatsApp, SMS, and Email.

Also, if you are wondering if there's any difference in applying for admissions via any of these ways, then, we assure you, there is none. The allotment of points remains the same, no matter the platform you use to apply for admission.

How to Fill Registration Form for Delhi School Admission Online via Ezyschooling 

The above-mentioned steps may sound easy when applying to a single school. However, when you want to apply to multiple schools simultaneously, this process becomes tedious as you may need to fill in and upload the same details over and over again.  

Don't worry, Ezyschooling has your back! We make the admission process simple for you so that you can apply to multiple schools simultaneously. Moreover, you can compare the schools and find the right one. 

Let’s see the step-by-step method to fill school admission form via Ezyschooling.

Suppose you want to apply to Happy Hours School through Ezyschooling, here's how you can proceed. 

  • Login: Kindly login/sign up using your phone number/email ID/ Google account to the Ezyschooling website to make your admission process smoother, ignore if already done.

Ezyschooling log in

  • Explore Schools: Search the school that you want to enroll your child into, Happy Hours School in this case, or you may filter schools by selecting the area, class, board, and budget. You may also directly search for the name of the school in the above search bar. Once you finalize the school, click on the profile of the school. 

Finding the right school on Ezyschooling

  • Grade Selection: After visiting the selected school profile. You can now scroll down to find the list of classes. Click on "Apply now" for the class that you seek to apply to.

Apply online for admissions on Ezyschooling

  • Create Child: You need to click on the "Create Child" option and add the details of the child you wish to admit.

Make applicant's profile on Ezyschooling

  • Add to Cart: Once you create the child profile, Click on "Add to Cart". You will then be directed to the cart after you click "OK". You may add more schools to your cart as per your preference.

Add schools to cart and apply online via Ezyschooling

  • Application Form: Click on "Fill Application Form" highlighted in green. Fill in all the required details as per the given instructions and click on Save next, once you are done. 

Application form for delhi school admissions 2024-25

The admission form is subdivided into three sections

  • Basic Details: This includes details like name of the child, date of birth
  • Parent's Details: This includes details of the parents like qualifications and occupation
  • Documents: This section is for the uploading of the documents required for admission. Visit this site to get access to all the required documents from one place.

The sections marked with a red asterisk must be filled without fail, or else you may not be able to proceed. 

Please Note: Form Fee: Amount that the particular school(s)  charge for applying for admission which is automatically transferred to the school’s account.

Convenience Fee: Amount charged by Ezyschooling for access to a smooth application and tracking system including emails, SMS alerts, and other payment gateway charges.

You will have to make the payment after filling out the admission form which may vary as you add schools to your cart.

  • Payment: Once you have filled in all the details you can proceed to the final step which is making a payment for receiving further updates. You can easily make the payment using any gateway of your choice.

payment getaway at Ezyschooling

Is there any difference in applying via Ezyschooling rather than school websites?

You won’t be doing anything different whether you apply via Ezyschooling or individual school sites. Your method of applying does not have any impact on the selection process as the criterion of selection and awarding points is done in the same manner for everyone.

In conclusion, filling out an online school application may be simple if you take the proper precautions and make use of the available tools.

The key is to pay attention to details, submit accurate information, and follow the particular instructions offered by each school, whether you decide to apply directly through a school's website or prefer the convenience of a third-party platform like Ezyschooling for multiple applications. 

Check out more articles on Delhi Nursery Admissions:

Apply for Schools in Delhi 2024-25

This article has been reviewed by our panel. The points, views and suggestions put forth in this article have been expressed keeping the best interests of fellow parents in mind. We hope you found the article beneficial.
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Delhi Nursery Admissions
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