Welcome to the Official Website for St. Andrews High School. “UBI CRUX IBI LUX” is the motto of St Andrews High school which means “where there is a cross, there is light”. The cross that the students carry is heavy but with the warm light of appreciation, the burden can be joyously carried. Mission Sunshine opens the black stone building of St. Andrew’s School to appreciation because where there is appreciation there is sunshine Mission sunshine logo, designed by Mr. Francis H D’Sa , is in chalk because appreciation has to be learnt & imbibed by everyone @ sign is adopted as the symbol of appreciation. It is artistically designed to shine like the sun. Every time, a participant comes across @, he/she is reminded of Mission Sunshine’s objectives. The red smile in the word ‘Sunshine’ is the smile that appreciation generates. We have also drawn inspiration from a line in the film, P.S. I love you, “Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” Wow! Wonderment is the willingness to be surprised by life. It is from wonderment that appreciation springs. Mission Sunshine exhorts: the ‘WOW’ MAGIC…spread it!