How to Manage Timetable for Studies in Pandemic | Ezyschooling

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time table

The timetable is a necessary tool for the efficient working of a school. It is really a mirror that reflects the entire educational programme of the school. "It is the timetable that supplies the framework within which the work of the school proceeds. It is the instrument through which the purpose of the school is to function." The values of the school timetable may be enumerated as follows:

 1. It ensures smooth and orderly working of the school: The major achievement of timetable is that everything is planned in advance. All the teachers and students know their jobs as well as the time they are to devote to each activity. It is due to the timetable that smooth, orderly and regular work in the school goes on even in the absence of the Head Teacher or any one of the teachers. If there is no timetable in the school, there is always the danger of negligence of duty, duplication of effort and repetition of unnecessary items and activities. The timetable places proper persons at their proper places, at the proper time and in the proper manner.

 2. It prevents wastage of time and energy: The timetable shows exactly what is to be done at a particular time. It, thus, directs the attention of both the pupil and the teacher to one thing at a time. Thus, one's energy is automatically directed in a particular direction and this prevents a lot of wastage of time and energy. It also prevents confusion, duplication, overlapping and unnecessary repetition on the part of the pupil and the teacher.

3. It ensures equitable distribution of time to different subjects and activities: The timetable gives due place, extension and emphasis to various subjects and activities in the school, according to their relative importance or difficulty. This is very essential for the all-round development of the pupils. This ensures that while the more important subjects and activities get more attention and time, the less important ones are not neglected.

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