How to Deal with Sensitive Kids | Ezyschooling

child psychology

Discipline is an important element in raising healthy children. Yet, for parents of sensitive children, it's not uncommon to struggle with properly disciplining them—especially because they feel things more acutely than other children.

The first step is recognizing that there's nothing wrong with being sensitive. In fact, a sensitive child can be one of the kindest, most compassionate kids you'll ever meet. But raising a sensitive child can pose some parenting challenges, especially when it comes to discipline.

Understanding Sensitive Kids 
Emotionally sensitive kids become overwhelmed easily. They cry often, worry about getting into trouble frequently, and require a great deal of reassurance. They also feel every emotion intensely. That means they're likely to become overexcited, extra angry, and super scared.

Some sensitive children aren’t just emotionally sensitive, but they’re also sensitive to anything physical that triggers their senses. Loud noises, bright lights, or certain textures can send them into a tailspin. They might fear large crowds and struggle to deal with any type of change.1

Consequently, sensitive kids are hesitant to try new things and they struggle to deal with frustration. And their peer interactions may suffer when other kids start referring to them as “the kid who cries a lot” or “the kid who gets mad easily.”

While strict discipline may help some kids adjust their behavior, harsh punishments are likely to cause more problems with sensitive kids. As a result, it's important to find ways to nurture and guide sensitive kids who may struggle to thrive in a less than sensitive world. The following discipline strategies will help you provide the discipline your sensitive child needs.


I was stressed and upset due to my work problems and was talking less that day. My son came and asked, “ Did I upset you, maa?” 

Initially, I was happy that my child cares about me. But then every time something went wrong in my work life or anything upset me, he started asking me the same question every time and that made me think upon his behavior. I found that my boy is a sensitive child.

Highly Sensitive children tend to feel responsible for their parent's sorrow. They feel more and think more. But that shouldn’t be bad as feeling deeply makes you more of a human. These kids just need proper care and an environment that would accept them as they are. At an early age, it may seem a bit difficult to take care, but when they grow up they’ll be alright.

Sensitive children are deep thinkers. Creative, intelligent, and empathetic. They are heart-centered leaders that we need for our future.