How To Unleash Your Child's Creative Potential During Covid-19? | Ms Akansha Jain

parents and kids
Talent & Creativity

The second wave of pandemic has once again convinced us all to our homes. Once again everything has shifted online. 

Children are creative geniuses by nature. The kids go to school where the creativity of children get exposed through play and other ci-curricular activities. But we have all seen how pandemic has killed children's creativity. The creativity in early childhood gets confined in the online world. However, we need to encourage creativity in children. We need to adopt method to develop creativity in kids. Sure, the pandemic kills creativity of children. But we can prevent that. 

Ezyschooling has thus partnered with UNLU and brought to you a session on 'How to Unleash your child's Creative Potential during Covid-19'. The session is headed by Mrs. Nidhi Chopra, Curriculum Advisor and Teacher Trainer at Nehru World School Ghaziabad. 
We all want our children to be at ease in themselves – the adult that is capable, responsible, warm-hearted and, most importantly, genuinely enjoys being themselves. The question is, how do we support our child to have this foundation within themselves, particularly if they find learning difficult?

Support them to re-regulate their bodies…The way to turn the brain back on is to connect back to your breath – support the body back to a place of homeostasis so that we create a body that’s good for learning.”

With toddler age kids – one of the techniques is to ask them to close their eyelids slowly so they can feel what that’s like. This helps them come back to themselves.

Often if the parent is taking care of their connection to themselves it is often enough. Your quality of your being will help regulate them down. Babies are constantly regulating off you.

Just because they are struggling now it doesn’t mean they will be struggling at 15.

Support them to feel “I’m enough just for being me”.

Self worth is a problem for everyone… If they feel they are enough – the learning will take care of it self.

All the kids know exactly what they are doing… when they are getting angry or getting distracted or doing some daydreaming or ‘it’s boring’ defenses to not understanding are reactions. All these behaviours come from shame – shame is one of the worse things we can feel. To avoid that feeling we go into behaviours.

It’s very important to recognise your behaviours – make the unconscious conscious – make things explicit otherwise they make things up… the thing is the kids know exactly what they are doing. Make it ok. Once it is explicit you can do something about it. 

There’s so much potential in us but we have no idea about this when we are 10 years old.