The impact of experiential learning on the students
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Chehak Baweja
2 months ago
The impact of experiential learning on the students

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”
― Aristotle

Changes are a part of today’s world. We all deal with changes in our everyday lives, whether at the personal or professional level. Therefore, it is very noticeable that each generation expects change. And the impact of change is high on children. The social environment keeps on changing, so we see the changes in educational methods as well. 

Now, there are various approaches to teaching and learning. One of them is experiential learning. It is one of the fruitful processes that teachers use to teach students. This article is an attempt at understanding experiential learning in-depth. 

Read More | Discover the Importance of Experiential Learning for Students

What is Experiential learning?

The impact of experiential learning on the students

It is the process of learning through experience or learning by doing. It tells us about how experiences can emphasize learning. The students gain knowledge by performing tasks that create a new experience for them. The process of experiential learning involves hands-on activity as well as self-assessment. 

Benefits of Experiential Learning for Children

The teachers know that students learn more quickly when they perform things practically and experience something. In fact, research shows that students who participate in experiential learning activities have a 15% higher retention rate compared to traditional classroom-based learning. So, here are a few benefits that children receive from this process. 

  • Self-confidence and leadership skills: Experiential learning brings self-confidence and leadership skills to the children. They perform tasks with their critical thinking skills and execute them with their abilities. All this gives them a better understanding of the concepts and brings out self-confidence in them. 
  • Children become more creative: Teachers found experiential learning as one of the best ways to teach creative problem-solving. They let the students perform the tasks on their own and create multiple solutions to one problem. The students get more creative when they face more challenges in the process of problem-solving
  • The value of mistakes: In the process of experiential learning, the students start valuing their mistakes. They learn not to fear mistakes but try to receive something positive from them. Learning from their mistakes also helps children to develop a better conceptual understanding. 
  • A better understanding of the course material: A study has revealed that as many as 86% of teachers believe that experiential learning increases student engagement and motivation. As the children learn through real-life situations and by performing tasks, they create their own experiences and develop a better understanding of course material. And the children learn with fun.
  • The guidance for the future: The learning process under experiential learning is also career-oriented. The students start developing their skills and passion by performing the tasks.

Check Out: Importance of Life Skills in Preparing for a Better Future

Experiential Learning in Schools

When it comes to choosing a school for your child that focuses on experiential learning, GBN Senior Secondary School can be a good option for your child. 

GBN Senior Secondary School

Apply Now

Located in Faridabad’s Sector 21D, GBN Senior Secondary School is known to have an impressive student-teacher ratio of 15:1. The school was established in the year 2003, with the motto of “Service before self”. 

The dedicated faculty at GBN Senior Secondary School strives hard to keep the heritage, values and culture of India alive in the young hearts while also nurturing an innovative learning environment. Here, at GBN, dream realisation is laid immense importance, helping students identify their goals and making sure they realise their fullest potential.

Explore GBN Senior Secondary School and see your child's dreams taking flight with experiential learning!

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learning style
experiential learning