Discover the Importance of Experiential Learning for Students

Education Education
10-12 10-12
Abhilasha Rai
6 months ago
Discover the Importance of Experiential Learning for Students

Experiential learning is the art of learning by doing. There are many different philosophies in this area, such as John Dewey (1938) and the most recent one is by David Kolb (1984). Simon Fraser University defines experiential learning as “the strategic, active engagement of students with opportunities to learn through doing, and reflection on those activities, which empowers them to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical endeavour in a multitude of settings inside and outside the classroom."

Students are better able to relate the theories and facts they gain in the classroom to actual circumstances by participating in practical experiences and reflecting on them. Opportunities for experiential learning can be found in both course- and non-course-based settings and they can range from concluding activities like internships, student teaching, and capstone projects to activities like undergraduate research, service learning, and study abroad. Working with those who are resistant to the craft can be exhausting, leaving you with little choice but to continue teaching in a way that you don’t feel is effective for your students or fulfilling to you. Experiential learning is a profound and life-changing teaching strategy with a long list of benefits attached.

So, What role does experiential learning play? What advantages does experiential education offer? Why bother taking the time to master a different teaching method? How then do you deal with people who are unwilling to engage in experiential learning? How can you help? What is there to say? In this article, we’ll go over the entire experiential learning experience, its significance, and how it affects learner engagement. We’ll delve deep into this subject to find the information you need to deliver an effective learning experience.

Also Read | Shaping Students as Complete Human Beings


How does Experiential Learning work?

Experiential Learning

Kolb's cycle of learning depicts the process of experiential learning. This procedure entails the incorporation of:

  • Knowledge: of the concepts, facts, and information gained through formal education and prior experience.
  • Activity: the application of knowledge in the "real world"
  • Reflection: the analysis and synthesis of knowledge and activity in order to generate new knowledge

Experiential learning includes all of the following components:

  • Reflection, critical analysis, and synthesis are all required.
  • Provides opportunities for students to take the initiative, make decisions, and hold themselves accountable for the outcomes.
  • Students can participate intellectually, creatively, emotionally, socially, or physically.
  • A planned learning experience that allows you to learn from natural consequences, mistakes, and successes.


What is the Importance of Experiential Learning?

3 kids learning by doing, importance of experiential learning

Experiential learning has been shown to have a wide range of benefits that contribute to a child’s development over time. Here's a brief idea as to how experiential learning helps students:

  • Learn Concepts Easily: Students may struggle to grasp concepts that have nothing to do with the “real world.” Experiential learning allows students to apply data and ideas in a real-world situation in which they also play an active role. The information becomes more real to the student as they interact with it.
  • Allows Creative Expression: Experiential learning is one of the most effective methods for teaching creative problem-solving. Real-world content teaches children that there are multiple solutions to problems and encourages them to seek their own unique solutions to hands-on tasks.
  • Reflect on Experiences: Students engage more regions of their brain and make stronger connections with the material by combining concrete experiences with abstract concepts and then reflecting on the results. They are encouraged to consider how their actions affected the issue and how their results may have differed from those of other students. This analysis assists them in better understanding how the concepts learned can be applied to other, more diverse situations.
  • Turn Mistakes turn into Valuable Learning Opportunities: As students work on hands-on projects, they will discover that some approaches work better than others. They discard ineffective methods, but the act of trying something and then abandoning it – normally regarded as a “mistake” – becomes an important part of the learning process. Students learn to value their mistakes rather than fear them.
  • Improved Attitudes Toward Learning: Experiential learning is intended to stimulate students’ emotions while also improving their knowledge and skills. Students who take an active role in the learning process may experience greater gratification from their studies.
  • Encourages Physical Activity: Several experiential learning methods, such as field trips and outdoor activities, encourage physical activity as well. This is critical because it encourages children to live healthy lifestyles. Furthermore, it may be a fun way for children to exercise while studying.
  • Makes Learning a Passion: When learning is engaging and enjoyable for children, they are more likely to develop a love of learning. This could spark a lifelong interest and investigation. Experiential learning can help children understand the importance of learning and encourage them to continue learning after they leave the classroom.
  • Allows Children to Explore Interests: Experiential learning can also help children learn about themselves. By trying new things and stepping outside of their comfort zones, they may discover what they enjoy doing and what they excel at. They can use this self-awareness to make important future decisions.

GBN Senior Secondary School, Faridabad believes that experiential learning is one of the most effective and vital teaching strategies for educating today’s youth.
The school is dedicated to assisting each child in discovering his or her true calling in life and is supported by a curriculum that integrates the best of the Eastern and Western systems of education.  GBN Senior Secondary School is a proposed senior secondary school for the next generation. The school promotes a teaching system that emphasizes “Experiential learning.” The focus is on encouraging people to try new things and improve their abilities and skills. 

PP International School: importance of experiential learning

Apply to GBN Sr. Sec. School

At GBN Senior Secondary School children are encouraged to form bonds with nature, and our programmes are designed to help them understand the importance of sustainable development. The school believes that every child contains a musician, a dancer, an orator, and an artist just waiting to be discovered. Here students can learn about themselves, discover new things, acquire life skills, and even boost their confidence and creativity. This will provide the youngsters the chance to develop into well-rounded people.

So, what are you waiting for? Go explore GBN Senior Secondary School  School and witness the wondrous benefits that arise out of recognizing the importance of experiential learning!

Apply for 2024-25

Check Out: The Necessity of Creating a Conducive Environment for Learning


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experiential learning
learning by doing