Spinach: The Superfood that Improves Eye Sight
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Sophia Satapathy
3 years ago
Spinach Improves Eye Sight


Spinach a great superfood, which is loaded with plenty of nutrients while having a low-calorie package. Spinach is loaded with properties that reinforce health across your entire body. According to researchers, spinach contains over a dozen flavonoids that are beneficial in fighting cancer and inflammation within the body.

There are two basic sorts of spinach: flat-leaf and savoy. Bunched-up spinach at the grocery stores is usually savoy spinach. The leaves of savoy spinach are wrinkled and curly. Flat spinach, also referred to as baby spinach, is widely popular within the U.S. and is usually sold bagged, canned, or frozen.


Health Benefits of Spinach

The advantages of spinach are too many to count. But here are a few to give you some perspective:

•    Lowers Blood Pressure
•    Can help you take care of your eyes
•    Gives healthy bones
•    Spinach is an excellent source of iron, that helps the body make hemoglobin
•    Improves oxidated stress
•    Spinach also contains two components, MGDG and SQDG, which helps slow down cancer growth
•    Spinach promotes good gastrointestinal health
•    Protection against the sun
•    Lowers insulin level
•    Provides energy
•    Aids in weight loss
•    Good for hair
•    Spinach is low in carbs but also high in insoluble fiber. This sort of fiber benefits digestion

Also read: Seven Superfoods For a Healthy Pregnancy

Nutrition Facts


The nutrition facts for 100 grams of raw spinach are:

Calories 23 grams
Water 91%
Protein 2.9 grams
Carbs 3.6 grams
Sugar 0.4 grams
Fiber 2.2 grams
Fat 0.4 grams


Spinach is a very good source of many vitamins and minerals, including:

Vitamin A: Spinach is high in carotenoids, which your body turns into vitamin A.
Vitamin C: This vitamin may be a powerful antioxidant that promotes skin health and immune function.
Vitamin K1: This vitamin is important for blood coagulation. Notably, one spinach leaf contains over half your daily needs.
Folic acid: Also referred to as folate or vitamin B9, this compound is significant for pregnant women and essential for normal cellular function and tissue growth.
Iron: Spinach is a superb source of this essential mineral. Iron helps make hemoglobin, which brings oxygen to the body’s tissues.
Calcium: This mineral is important for bone health and an important signaling molecule for your nervous system, heart, and muscles.


Here are a couple of simple recipe ideas to start adding spinach to your routine


  1. Add spinach to a salad topped with vegetables.
  2. Use spinach as a topping for your favorite dishes, including sandwiches, tacos, pasta, or casseroles.
  3. Reliable Recipes- Healthy Spinach Pesto Pasta
  4. Reliable Recipes: Spinach Oats Pancake


Please comment down below your favorite way of consuming spinach and how it has helped you.


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eye health
Chaitanya Jha
3 years ago
Chicken spinach soup is my favorite

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