Reliable Recipe - Stuffed Sev Puri in Monaco biscuits.
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Aayushi Aggarwal
3 years ago
Stuffed Sev Puri in Monaco biscuits.

Monaco biscuits being popular with the kids and adults is a perfect companion with tea-time snacks. Sev puri is another irresistible snack that all children love. This recipe by Tarla Dalal combines both of them into a wonderful and delicious recipe of Stuffed Sev Puri in Monaco biscuits that we guarantee your kids will exceedingly relish. 


Monaco biscuits As per needs
Sev 1/2 cup


For stuffing:

Potatoes (boiled and mashed) ¾ cup
Onions (finely chopped) ¼ cup
Tomatoes (finely chopped) 1 tbsp
Dhania (finely chopped) 1 tbsp
Sweet Chutney 1 tbsp
Green Chutney 1 ½ tsp
Lemon Juice 1tsp
Garlic chutney (optional) 1 tsp
Chat masala As per taste
Salt As per taste


1. Prepare the stuffing by mixing all the ingredients for stuffing well.

2. Take a biscuit and spread the stuffing on the base of the biscuit.

3. Cover the stuffing with another biscuit.

4. Take the prepared biscuit stuffing and roll it around in the Sev evenly from all sides and corners. 

5. Prepare more biscuits by following the above steps.

6. Serve with green chutney.


Servings: Makes for 20-25 stuffed Sev puris

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