The Journey Of Fatherhood
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Harshika Agrawal
4 years ago
Journey of Fatherhood

“The nature of impending fatherhood is that you are doing something that you’re unqualified to do, and then you become qualified while doing it.” These words of writer John Green seem to be more accurate than ever. The journey of being a father is a marathon, not a sprint.

Along with the new joys of being a father, comes the great responsibility of fatherhood. Childcare is an entirely new concept for a man. But worry not, because every cloud has a silver lining. You get to explore this new skill in the company and guidance of the people you love. Your instructors include your wife, parents and of course, your little one. Remember- little humans just need little things, try to learn them with modesty.

Fathers are equally responsible for every aspect of a child’s life. The father involving himself in his child’s life would certainly strengthen their method of analyzing any trouble they could possibly find themselves being involved in, in the future and enhance and revive their self-confidence and sense of responsibility. 

As they say “it takes two to tango” so a mother figure and a father figure is nearly as essential to make it work. You need both eyes to see this clear path. Without one, it is blurred, and you may get sidetracked from the path and may not be able to find your way once again. The same thing goes for parents raising their children. Parents' duty is to nurture their kid so that they can grow up to become a person who is strong and able to support themselves.

Embracing fatherhood becomes a paradigm shift from being a husband to a father. Your responsibility has now transformed from the ones of the head of the family to those of a father. Hence, it is important to spend time with your kid and understand him in every way you can. This would not only lead to new discoveries but also make you realize the beauty of this journey.

It’s about communication. At every stage of interaction with your child, you will comprehend that communication is the key to understanding what your child wants and what he needs. Educate them about everything that they are unable to anticipate as an individual and try to make them understand how to act upon such situations. Remember, your child will not follow your advice, but your example.

The whimsical Bollywood moments are far away and life, in reality, does not have a mélange. Stay in the now, while happily anticipating more interactive parenting moments. A child needs to crawl before he could walk, and walk before he could play catch.

Stay Tuned, Stay Relevant!

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a journey
pleasant change
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