The Importance of Breakfast for Kids
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Aayuushi Bose
2 years ago
The Importance of Breakfast for Kids

If there's one piece of wisdom from our childhood that's etched into our brains, it's never to miss breakfast. But it's easy to let the most important meal of the day fall low on your list of priorities when you're stuck in a race against the clock. But how detrimental could skipping one meal be to your child's health? 




Breakfast is placed at the top of the mealtime hierarchy. However, this ideology seems somewhat counterintuitive when your child's breakfast is just a hot glass of milk, forcibly gulped down just in time to leave the house. This haste on your part can wreak havoc on your child's overall well-being.

Also read: A nutritious guide for your toddlers 


Breakfast: Is it a necessity?


Importance of breakfast


Being the first meal after almost a 10 hour fast through the night, it acts as a vital source of energy to the body. Skipping your breakfast can disrupt your body's natural rhythm. It also inhibits the efficient working of the metabolism due to the lack of blood sugar and other necessary nutrients. This can cause severe long-term health issues. 

These include heart-related ailments, fluctuating body weight, constant headaches and nausea, stunted growth, low energy levels, and diseases caused due to nutrient deficiency such as scurvy, beriberi, pellagra, etc. 


Breakfast and Academic Performance


Breakfast and IQ


Check out: Promoting Nutrition in Kids Through Healthy Ways

Breakfast provides nutrition that maintains the functional activity of the body and hence is responsible for the quality of an individual’s work performance. Regular intake of a nutritious breakfast has shown increased level of subject comprehension, regular attendance, and increased ability to solve complicated tasks. Whereas the absences of the same are associated with lack of energy, mood swings, and constant disruption in cognitive functions. 


What to Incorporate in your Child's Breakfast?

Simply placing a bowl of cold cereal on the breakfast table won't do much good either. Instead, a healthy breakfast should include nutrient-dense food to fuel your child for the day ahead. 



These include:

  1. Protein: This macronutrient is essential to child growth as it is the building block of body tissue. It promotes muscle growth and hormonal balance in the body. For this reason, at least two of your child's meals should include protein. 

Sources of protein: Meats, eggs, legumes and beans, dairy, soya, etc.


  1. Carbohydrates: Glucose, a simple form of sugar, is one of the primary energy sources in children. Research also suggests the nutrient is necessary to stay alert and maintain good working order. 

Sources: Brown rice, oatmeal, corn, potatoes, etc. 


  1. Fiber: Roughage or dietary fiber is essential to maintain the digestive tract. It also lowers the risk of heart diseases in the long run. Foods rich in fiber also tend to be high in vitamins. 

Sources: Vegetables, cereals, berries, brown rice, oatmeal, etc.

Breakfast in creativity

If your child is on the younger side, explaining the need for breakfast may not be your strongest card. However, what can help is a delicious breakfast they can't resist! Remember, creativity is key, so if your child isn't big on eggs and toast, incorporate the three food groups to create a healthier version of their favorite foods like tacos, muffins, etc. You could also ask your child to give you a hand in the kitchen to make breakfast, letting them explore their creative side and giving you some quality time together. 

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healthy child
meal time