Why Every Child Should be Taught Self-Reliance and Life Skills
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Sneha Sarkar
2 months ago
Teaching Children Self-Reliance & Life Skills

Parents nowadays go to great lengths to ensure that their children have everything they need. From the latest technology-equipped gadgets to the best education, parents want to raise their children so that they grow up to become happy and successful adults. Though these things are certainly important, self-reliance as a skill will allow your child to take the first big step towards self-confidence and more crucial life skills later on. The purpose of this article is to analyse the condition of life skill education among adolescents and to determine which life skills are most essential in overcoming educational deficits.

More than half of all adolescents (52%) have average life skills. According to a popular study, 25.7% have a high degree of life skills, whereas 22% have a low level. Life skill education teaches pupils how to make educated and sensible life decisions. It enhances a person's ability to satisfy social goals and demands while also assisting them in dealing with a variety of scenarios. Adolescents will benefit from instruction in life skills education as they face life's obstacles.

Also Read | Importance of Life Skills in Preparing for a Better Future

What is Self-reliance?


In simple terms, self-reliance is the ability to perform things and make decisions by yourself, without getting others to help you out. In today's world, self-reliance is an important quality to instil in children. It is, indeed, a superpower that would aid in the reduction of anxiety and the development of self-reliance and self-sufficiency in children. When it comes to debt, repaying student loans might be difficult. According to the Federal Reserve of the United States, the national student loan debt is $1.6 trillion, with 17% of borrowers falling behind on their payments. They can confidently take care of themselves and take responsibility for their actions which will help them pave their ways to become a responsible individual with excellent life skills.

Read More | Are you teaching your kids responsibility?

Teaching your child to complete their homework on time or making them eat food by themselves isn’t always easy. However, teaching children age-appropriate life skills can help in maintaining progress. But how exactly do you need to go about building self-reliance in your child?

How to Build Self-reliance in Children?

Here are certain skills that you can start to build self-reliance in your children.

life skills

1. Encourage entrepreneurial mindset

Your child can swiftly detect problems and deliver a timely solution if they have an entrepreneurial attitude. They will not sit around and wait; rather will develop a keen sense of what they want and will go out and get it. With this perspective, they understand how important it is to keep going forward even when things are challenging.

2. Assign daily Tasks to your child: Accountability

Assign children to daily duties and chores that are age-appropriate. It will instill in them a sense of accountability. Also, your children will feel significant if they are given a list of duties to do. When children believe that what they are doing has an impact on the family, they feel valued and capable, which enhances their self-esteem.

3. Make them learn from their mistakes: Positive mindset


If your children make mistakes, do not scream or yell at them. By talking to them calmly, you can help them realize their error. Allow them to learn from their errors so that they do not repeat them in the future.

4. Teach them to differentiate between right and wrong: Rationality

Teach your children to recognize right from wrong, good from bad, ethical from unethical, moral from immoral, and so on. As a result, they will always select the correct course throughout life.

5. Try stepping back, sometimes: make them responsible

Allowing your child to accomplish things on her own, regardless of age, is a vital step in helping her learn self-sufficiency. Allowing your child to choose her own attire can assist in fostering independence. Resist the desire to propose a new outfit, even if what they choose to wear isn't exactly what you had in mind. Instead, say a few words of encouragement and let them wear what they want.

Universal Public School does an excellent job of empowering each child with a sound foundation of knowledge, values, and life skills. Affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education, Universal Public School is also known for its learning environment which recognizes every child’s true potential and talent.

Universal Public School

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Supported by a dynamic curriculum, Universal Public School stands out as the prime option for parents seeking a school that emphasizes skill-based learning for their children. The school boasts an innovative, contemporary, and skill-based education that meets global standards.

Universal Public School imparts valuable skills through co-curricular activities, building paramount values and multivalent competencies among students. The school ensures healthy collaboration between parents and the school, thus maximizing the growth and development of the child.  At UPS, students are encouraged to be diligent and focused to achieve their goals in a diverse learning environment.

Also Read | Teaching Children Life Skills with Surbhi Walia

Parents must provide a positive example for their children in order to instill virtues such as self-reliance. As a result, to develop self-sufficient individuals, make sure you practise what you preach to your children. As your child grows older and takes on more sophisticated jobs and chores, provide vocal advice and encouragement while allowing them to figure things out on their own. This will help them gain confidence while also allowing them to learn by doing.

This article has been reviewed by our panel. The points, views and suggestions put forth in this article have been expressed keeping the best interests of fellow parents in mind. We hope you found the article beneficial.
child development
Life skills