Sugar-Free Chocolate Pancake recipe from scratch
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Yamini Gola
4 years ago
healthy chocolate pancakes recipe

Sugar-free and wheat flour pancakes, perfect for breakfast? Yes, it is possible as it is sugar-free so, it reduces the risk of illness and diseases as well as helps in boosting energy.

We are sure, you'll absolutely love these fluffy pancakes.

Milk 1.5 cup
Vinegar/Lemon juice 1 tbsp
Wheat flour 2 cups
Unsweetened cocoa 1/4 cup
Jaggery 3/4 cup
Olive oil 1/4 cup
Baking powder 1 tbsp
Baking soda 1/2  tbsp


How to make sugar-free homemade Chocolate Pancakes?

  1. Take milk in a bowl and add vinegar/lemon juice into it. Mix it and keep it aside for 5-10 minutes. 
  2. Now take another big bowl, add wheat flour, baking soda, baking powder, unsweetened cocoa, and jaggery. Mix them well.
  3. Now add the lemon and milk mixture into it and then olive oil. 
  4. Add warm water into the mixture (increase the quantity according to the consistency) olive oil. Mix it well in one direction until the batter of the pancake is ready (Not too thick and without lumps). 
  5. Take a non-stick pan, brush it with oil and pour a small portion of the batter in the heated pan with help of a big spoon and it will spread on its own.
  6. Let it cook on low flame. After you see bubbles, flip it and cook the other side for a few minutes. 
  7. Serve it with melted sugar-free chocolate or sugar-free maple syrup and crushed walnuts on top.
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