Reliable Recipes- Healthy Spinach Pesto Pasta
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Shramana Biswas
3 years ago
Spinach Pesto Pasta


Pasta is a dish that is universally liked by children. Many people believe that it is an unhealthy dish. But what if there are ways to make it with healthy ingredients? 


Spinach pesto pasta is both delicious and nutritious. Spinach is a popular leafy vegetable that has a high nutritional value. It is rich in protein and fibre. It also has vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the body. 


This is a very easy recipe and will surely make your kids fall in love with it. It is the best way to make them eat leafy greens veggies without forcing or coercing them. You can make it as a delicious evening snack or even make it a meal with some toasts or garlic bread.




Pasta (boiled)

2 cups

Olive oil

2 teaspoons

Spinach (chopped)

1 cup


½ cup


Per taste

Green chilis (chopped)

Per taste


½ cup


¼ cup


1 teaspoon

Walnuts or almonds

5-6 pieces


¼ cup




Boil waters as required and add spinach and basil. Cook for 2 minutes and keep aside. Drain the water and put the veggies in a blender.


Add walnuts/almonds, milk, salt, and butter in the blender with the veggies. Blend well till a paste is formed.


Take a pan and heat olive oil in it. Add the garlic. Lightly fry it till it's slightly brown on the edges.


Add the boiled pasta. Now add the pesto sauce and a little cheese. Mix everything and stir on medium heat till the pasta becomes saucy. 


Take it off the stove and let it cool for a few minutes. Plate and add chopped almonds and grated cheese on the top.


Your pesto pasta is ready to be served. You can add more vegetables in the pasta while frying it. You can also pair the pasta with some garlic bread to make it a meal.


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