Reliable Recipes: Pineapple Lemonade
Family Family
10-12 10-12
Kush Pandya
3 years ago
Reliable Recipes: Pineapple Lemonade

It is the season for fresh, tangy pineapples. Many of you might prefer to eat them raw but what about those slices which are a bit too ripe for your taste? You can utilize them to make this drink which might just become a new favorite in your household.





½ cup

Pineapple juice

1 cup

Lemon juice

1 cup

Lime juice

2 tbsp



1. Mix sugar and 1 cup water over medium heat, stirring until the sugar gets dissolved; then let it cool. This will create a syrup.
2. Whisk together the syrup, lemon juice, pineapple juice, lime juice with 5 cups of water. Place in the refrigerator until chilled.
3. Serve over ice.

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