How to Prepare Your Older Children for a New Baby
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Tanmay Tandon
3 years ago
Preparing Your Older Children for a New Baby


A newborn can be a package deal of joy for the entire family aside from the older siblings. Parents regularly fear such things as - How to inform their older kids that they're getting an infant brother or sister? Will they be jealous of the brand-new infant? How will they deal with the infant? etc.


Knowing what to anticipate from every age bracket will make it less difficult to address the adjustments that will need to be made.


Ages 1 To 2 Years


Children this small do not comprehend complicated topics and subjects like jealousy and housing.


• Look at images of infants. Your baby could examine new expressions and be familiarized with what an infant appears like

• When the brand-new infant arrives, try to do something unique with your older baby like playing video games

Check out: Developmental milestones for your baby - 26 months


Ages 2 To 4 Years


At an age like this, kids experience the focal point of attention. New family members can come off as a hazard to them and that they may expand bitterness toward the infant.


• Wait a brief time before telling your preschooler about the infant. Explain it to your baby as soon as you begin buying nursery furnishings or infant garments or if he begins asking about mom's developing "stomach".

• Involve your preschooler in making plans for the infant. This may also make them much less jealous. Let them shop with you for infant items. Show them their very own infant pictures.


Ages five and above


Children older than five years normally comprehend the situation and take the mantle of an elder brother/sister. They additionally cooperate and assist with the infant and their matters such as cleaning, changing diapers, playing with them, etc.


• Tell your kid about the adjustments they’ll have to make—both the big and small sacrifices an elder sibling has to make.

• Have your older kid assist in shopping for the new infant and picking out items for the nursery; selecting out garments, or buying diapers.

Also read: Developmental milestones for your baby - 34 months


It is important to prioritize your efforts on all your children so that none of them feel left out.


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