How to Resolve Burping Issues in Babies
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Sambhavna Tiwari
4 years ago
Burping Issues in Babies

Excess wind in the stomach or upper intestine released from the mouth is known as burping. Excessive wind or air in our stomach can cause discomfort or gas problems which is why it is necessary to burp.

When should you make your Kid Burp?

You should burp your baby after every breastfeeding session or after they drink milk from the bottle. You should burp them 2 to 3 times in between the breastfeeding or milk drinking sessions up to 6 months. Apart from this make your kids burp after they have had their meal.

Why is burping Important for Kids?

Kids don't have a strong digestion system. When they are newborn or up to 6 months, their digestion system and other systems are still at a building age. For this very reason, they are not properly ready for any kind of solid or liquid diet.

When babies drink milk they also swallow some air. This air goes into their stomach and causes discomfort and ache in their stomach. As they are newborns and their digestion system is not properly prepared for any kind of food or for milk it causes digestion problems as the intestine is not able to break down milk or food into smaller particles.

When a baby burps the air that he swallows comes out and it also helps in better digestion of milk and food which causes less discomfort and stomach aches.

Burping Positions to Burp your Baby

  •  On your shoulder - Carry your baby over your shoulder, facing towards you. Use one hand to hold your baby and another one to make him burp by patting his back.

  •  Facedown on your lap - Make your child sit on your lap and use your hands to support his body and head. Now use one hand to burp your baby by patting him on the back.

  • Sitting - While sitting, uphold your baby in a sitting position leaning slightly forward. Pat his back with one hand and support his body from another hand to make him burp.

  •  Walking - Try holding your baby on your shoulder and walking slowly and patting his back at the same time.

If your baby is stubborn about burping then don't continuously pat his pack. Instead, after some time make him sit on your lap and let him relax for 10-15 minutes and try making him burp after that.

When to worry about Burping

 If your child vomits after every breastfeeding session or after having every meal, if he is always feeling discomfort or fussy after having milk or if he spits out his milk then you must consult a child paediatrician.

Tips for burping baby

  • Protect your clothes with tissues, wipes or cloth while making your baby burp.

  • Keep a cloth or wipe handy in case your baby spits up.

  • Give your baby a gentle pat or rub while burping.

  • Focus on the left side of your baby's back as that is the place where your baby's stomach is located.

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burping issues
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