The Top 5 Ways to Keep Children Updated with Current Affairs
Education Education
10-12 10-12
Keeping Children updated with Current Affairs: Kids Newspapers


The term current affairs refers to the events that are currently happening around us. Staying updated with current affairs merely refers to staying updated with the events around us, and even in the world.

Keeping oneself updated on current affairs is always an essential job. But, with children, it can prove to be a little tedious to try and get them to take an interest in current affairs. However, in the current times, there are many ploys to engage children with current affairs, kids' newspapers being their finest. This article seeks to explore the top 5 ways in which parents can keep their children updated with current affairs.

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Why is it important for kids to remain updated on current affairs?

Kids newspapers

The era that we live in constantly has something or the other, of importance, going on. The world is a big place, with many major events taking place, most of them even impacting our lives in some way or the other. Hence it is always best to stay updated with current affairs.
When it comes to children, keeping up pace with current affairs can help them in the following ways.

Stay Aware

Stay Aware

Being updated with current affairs helps everyone, including children, to stay aware of the happenings around, or even the world. A child that is aware of whatever goes on in their country also grows up to be a responsible citizen.

Gain Knowledge

Gain knowledge

When one is updated with current affairs, one can also earn much valuable knowledge. As a child learns about a certain situation, he/she grows curious to know more about it, about how it all started. This makes the children more open to learning.

Crack Exams

Crack Exams

Many important exams in student life require good knowledge of current affairs. Many schools conduct General Knowledge exams to make them familiar to the children. This can really help the children hoping to appear for exams like UPSC, Banking, SSC, etc.

The Top 5 Ways to Keep Children Updated with Current Affairs

As it turns out, it can be difficult for kids to keep up with current affairs. However, we have picked out the top 5 ways parents can help their kids stay updated with current affairs.

Be their Role Models

Be their Role Models

It is actually a known fact that kids tend to copy their parents in more ways than one. So, if the parents make it known to them that they are doing all in their capacity to stay updated with current affairs, the kids are most likely to follow suit. They too will start reading newspapers, even if it’s just the kids’ newspapers, and following the news.

Encourage Reading Newspapers

Kids Newspapers
A very healthy habit, reading newspapers can help them to stay updated with current affairs, and even work on their language skills. So, encourage your kids to read newspapers. Many kids newspapers use language that is easier for kids to understand. These newspapers also conduct many competitions to help kids explore their creative side.

Fun News Portals

Fun News Portals

The news portals being followed by adults can be hard for children to follow due to the usage of tough language. The Internet is now home to many news portals that are best suited for children, using easy language and explaining the occurrences better to help the kids understand, sometimes also through animation.

Games and Activities

Games and Activities

Games and activities can be a fun way to help kids with current affairs. The parents can introduce a game where each of the people present can take turns to speak of the week’s important current affairs. Parents can also research for other such fun activities to motivate the kids to stay updated with current affairs.

News Scrapbooks

News Scrapbooks

News scrapbooks are now a commonly used technique to encourage children to remain updated with current affairs. You can also help them maintain news of different topics or different categories through newspaper clippings. At the end of the week, you can also sit down for a chat about the week’s major news.

In addition to the above-cited ways, remember to praise them for the hard work that they are putting into it. It always works!

Which of these ways works the best for your child?

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This article has been reviewed by our panel. The points, views and suggestions put forth in this article have been expressed keeping the best interests of fellow parents in mind. We hope you found the article beneficial.
Current affairs
kids newspapers
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