Boarding School Admission Process: Tips on Starting Out
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10-12 10-12
Abhilasha Rai
4 months ago
Boarding School Admission Process: Tips on Starting Out

Many parents find it challenging to decide to send their child to a boarding school because of the distance and uncertainty that comes after. However, boarding schools can really provide your child with better possibilities for their academic, social, and personal growth.

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Apply to Boarding Schools in India 2024-25

We, at Ezyschooling, provide a few guidelines you can follow in this article to get your kid ready for boarding school enrolment. Read on to find out.

Switching to a boarding school has several benefits seeing that the demands of boarding schools in India have seen a remarkable difference after the COVID times, that is, the preference is increased by 55-60% as compared to earlier.

The most crucial one is that boarding schools provide a distraction-free environment that is conducive to learning. They help students develop their own socialisation and self-control.

Looking for Admissions to a Boarding School? 

woman looking at laptop

Good residential schools have a large number of committed and knowledgeable caretakers to attend to any needs of the students on campus; this makes them a good choice for parents who are unable to devote a lot of time to caring for their children but want them to grow up in a safe and secure environment. Children at boarding schools have more time to focus on their schoolwork, socialising with their peers, or pursuing other interests because there are fewer distractions. Children benefit from a stronger overall development as a result. The boarding school setting aids in the inculcation of skills like time management, assertiveness, and independence that he or she is bound to develop, which is the most well-known benefit of choosing to enrol in boarding school.

Nevertheless, there are many considerations and preparations that need to be made before sending your child to a boarding school. When it comes to their curriculum, boarding schools offer a variety of specialisations and focuses. While some boarding schools place a strong emphasis on academic performance, others place an emphasis on the development of artistic or athletic abilities. Finding a boarding school expands your options and enables you to think about the school that is most suited to your child’s personality and interests.

How to Shortlist a Boarding School?

man and child looking at laptop

First things first, decide on the type of boarding school that suits the best for your child. Make a basic list to help you focus your search before even visiting websites with listings for boarding schools.

  • Preferred places
  • All Boys, All Girls, Coed,
  • Traditional, Non-Traditional, Military Junior Boarding School
  • Observe the School

To determine whether a particular school is inexpensive and aligns with the values you want to instil in your child, look at the fees, vision, and mission statements while considering boarding school admissions. The faculty, historical academic success, and security of the institution should also be considered. Pay close attention to the curriculum being taught. Pay close attention to the curriculum being taught. The majority of boarding schools in India are either connected to CISCE or to CBSE. Some of them also provide IBDP or other courses. Your youngster can become more creative and build a diversified skill set with the aid of a variety of interesting extracurricular activities. Involving your child in a boarding school at this stage of decision-making could be a great tactic.

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Explore Boarding Schools in India 2024-25

Preparing for Campus Visits

children at school

Here are some essential details to examine and get ready for campus visits.

  • Campus Tour: Typically, the tour starts in the admission office where an employee will give a quick summary, lead the family on a campus tour, and then bring them back for the student interview, essay/testing (at some schools), and extra parental counsel. You can make lunch arrangements at various schools in order to sample the food, go to a class, or attend activities (e.g. parades, concerts, plays, team sports, alumni events). This process can take anywhere from 2.5 to 4 hours, so make sure you give yourself enough time.
  • Student Interview: The Association of Boarding Schools asserts that a campus interview is one of the most crucial steps in the admission process. While informational meetings and interviews held locally or regionally are beneficial and practical, most institutions place a high value on the calibre of a candidate’s interview. Every school’s admissions staff is interested in meeting you in person.

Before visiting a campus, make a list of questions:

  • What features of this boarding school do students like best?
  • What aspects of attending boarding school and living away from home do you enjoy?
  • How did you choose your roommate?
  • What do you appreciate most about the faculty and students?
  • What sorts of clubs does this institution provide?
  • Do you offer any specialised programmes? (for instance, surfing, music, and flying)
  • What kinds of sports are available here?
  • What is the most popular sport? What position do you hold?
  • What is the daily schedule?
  • How do the weekends go? What can one do?
  • What types of meals are provided? What would you think of the food?
  • Do you enjoy the location? Can students go to the city for an outing?
  • What sorts of outside access are offered? (beach, hiking, etc.)
  • Does your institution provide incoming students with orientation sessions?
  • What aspect of attending this boarding school do you like the most?
  • What position does this school hold in terms of other boarding schools?
  • What institutions are on your list for matriculation?
  • What are the conditions for health and safety here?
  • Do students ever leave school or are they ever fired? How come, in that case?
  • What are the drug, alcohol, bullying, and hazing policies?
  • How close are the train, bus, and airport to this school?
  • Who would I turn to for help if I felt homesick or was experiencing anxiety or depression?

Registering for Boarding School Admission

school girl, registering for boarding school admission

After getting in touch with the school(s), you will know which of them meets your criteria. The majority of boarding schools require you to fill out a registration form before the official admissions process can begin. Fill out the application for boarding schools to start the admissions process.

Each boarding school has its own unique application procedure, so you will need to apply to each one of them separately.  Also, it’s very important for you to start your child’s application process at least a year in advance because the boarding school admission process in India is very competitive. However, many schools could want you to sign up even if your child is only a toddler. Typically, the application form will ask you for some basic information about your family and child, including specifics about their present school. You must also submit the preceding two years’ worth of your child’s school records.

Boarding School Admission Requirements:

checklist for boarding school admission requirements

Although there are some similarities, the educational requirements vary greatly in every school. In order to be accepted into most boarding schools, your child must have earned high grades in each of the preceding academic years, particularly the two most recent ones. Your child must also have strong English language skills.  It’s also possible that some institutions may also ask your child to take an entrance exam. An exam in specific disciplines, such as English, Hindi, or mathematics, may be included in this or it may be a comprehensive academic assessment.

Here is a list of documents to be submitted at the time of boarding school admission:

  • An original birth certificate of the student issued by a municipal corporation or other relevant civic authority.
  • A current, self-attested photo of the kid, mother, and father must be submitted.
  • Student's Aadhar Card
  • Self-attested photocopies of certificates for OBC, ST, and SC if applicable
  • Any one of the following documents: Address Proof of Parent (Phone Bill, Electricity Bill, Bank Passbook, or Driver’s License)
  • Authenticated photocopy of the last three years' mark sheets
  • Transfer Certificate within 10 days of the date of admission

In the end, each child’s experience attending a boarding school will be unique. The most crucial thing you can do to make the process go more smoothly is to express your unwavering support and compassion for your child. This might inspire your youngster to perform to the best of his or her ability without being afraid. Additionally, knowing that your family is only a phone call or drive away would help your youngster adjust to life away from you.

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Apply to Boarding Schools in India 2024-25

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