Is Boarding School an Option for Autistic Children?

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Is Boarding School an Option for Autistic Children?

Parents living with autistic children might consider boarding school as an option, but is it an option that can work?

When considering the education of autistic children, parents often grapple with a multitude of options. Among these, boarding schools are sometimes considered. However, making such a significant decision requires careful thought, weighing both the benefits and drawbacks.

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In this article, we will explore whether boarding school is a viable option for autistic children, seeking clarity through the lens of Special Educational Needs or SEN lawyers. We'll delve into the potential advantages and challenges that boarding schools may present in catering to the unique needs of these children.

Also Read | Preparing a Child for Boarding School: Here's All You Need to Know

Benefits of Boarding School for Autistic Children

  • Specialised Support: Some boarding schools offer specialised programs and support for autistic students. These programs are designed to address the unique learning and developmental needs of autistic children, providing tailored assistance. For example, they may employ speech therapists, occupational therapists, and behaviour analysts.
  • Structured Environment: Boarding schools often provide a highly structured environment, which can be beneficial for many autistic children. Predictable routines and clear schedules can help these students feel more secure and less anxious. This structured environment can also extend to sensory-friendly spaces, which are essential for many autistic children.
  • Social Opportunities: Living on campus can facilitate social interaction and the development of social skills. Autistic children may have more opportunities to engage with peers and practise social interactions in a controlled setting. For instance, some boarding schools have social skills programs that teach these skills explicitly.
  • Focused Learning: Smaller class sizes and a more controlled environment can lead to better focus and attention, which may enhance the learning experience for autistic students. Teachers in boarding schools are often trained to work with diverse learning styles and needs, including those of autistic children.
  • Reduced Commute Stress: For families living far from suitable educational facilities, boarding schools can eliminate the stress of daily commuting, ensuring that the child arrives at school in a timely and consistent manner. This can be especially beneficial for autistic children who may struggle with transitions.

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Drawbacks of Boarding School for Autistic Children

  • Separation Anxiety: Many autistic children experience heightened separation anxiety, which can make the transition to a boarding school emotionally challenging. The physical separation from parents or caregivers can be distressing. Some boarding schools offer transitional programs to ease this process, involving parents and ensuring a gradual adjustment.
  • Change in Routine: Autistic children often thrive on routine. The abrupt shift to a new living arrangement and school environment can disrupt their established routines, leading to increased stress and anxiety. Boarding schools may mitigate this by implementing structured daily schedules that resemble those at home.
  • Limited Family Involvement: Boarding schools typically involve less family participation in a child's education compared to day schools. Parents may have fewer opportunities to engage with teachers and staff, potentially reducing their influence on the child's educational experience. Maintaining open lines of communication between parents and the school is crucial to address this concern.
  • Communication Challenges: Effective communication with autistic children is essential. In a boarding school, there may be limited communication between parents and their children, which could hinder understanding and support. Boarding schools can overcome this challenge by using various communication tools and platforms that keep parents informed about their child's progress.
  • Cost Considerations: Boarding schools can be expensive, and many families may find it financially challenging to enrol their child in such a program. It's essential to explore financial aid options, scholarships, and grants specifically available for autistic students.

Check Out: Are Boarding Schools Better than Day Schools? Make an Informed Decision

Thinking About Choosing a Boarding School for Your SEN Child?

The decision to send an autistic child to a boarding school is a complex one, and it should not be made lightly. It demands careful consideration of the child's unique needs, strengths, and challenges, along with financial, logistical, and emotional factors.

SEN lawyers - specialists in the field of Special Educational Needs - can provide invaluable guidance to parents navigating this important decision. They can offer legal insights, advocate for the child's rights, and ensure that the chosen educational setting is suitable for their needs.

While boarding schools may offer specialised support and structured environments that benefit some autistic children, the potential drawbacks, including separation anxiety and limited family involvement, must also be carefully weighed. Ultimately, the decision should prioritise the child's well-being, individual needs, and educational goals.

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