5 Easy Yogas Asanas To Do With Your Kids- Not Only On International Yoga Day, But Everyday!

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10-12 10-12
Araba Kongbam
4 years ago
Yoga Asanas With Kids

With the pandemic forcing us to confine ourselves to our houses, it has become extremely difficult for families to indulge in an outdoor activity or any physical movement for that matter. This might take a big toll on your health. Hence, it’s important to keep oneself occupied in some kind of physical activity. While there are several ways to do so while being indoors, yoga is one activity that stands out for its credibility. Here are some easy yoga asanas which you can perform, without prior training, and especially compatible with kids.


1. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) – Involves lying on your stomach and lifting the upper part of your body from the waist, lengthening yourself till full stretch. Roughly, the structure looks like a prancing cobra, hence the name. It’s extremely easy to perform and bolsters blood flow and flexibility.




2. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler’s pose) – A very minimal pose, it only requires you to sit cross-legged and keep your hands folded on your laps. Similar to the pose which sages make while indulging in meditation. This pose too helps with blood flow and flexibility. Apart from that, it also has a calming influence on your body

3. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend) – In this asana, one needs to sit down on the floor with legs stretched in front, and then bow down and attempt to touch the end of one’s feet, toes to be precise. This bolsters flexibility and also strengthens your spine.

4. Dandasana (Staff pose) – As the name suggests, it involves keeping both your back and your legs straight like a stick, in a sitting pose. Like a ninety-degree angle. Bolsters flexibility as well as balances your overall posture.

5. Shavasana (Corpse pose) – With not much to do, this acts as a passive asana. Just lay on your back and close your eyes, as if you are asleep. This is usually the ending asana in a normal yoga session since it calms down the stretched muscles. Additionally, it also bolsters mindfulness.

These are extremely calming and easy poses to perform and can be done at any time of the day. Though preferably, early morning is the best option. Prolonged indulgence in yoga will not only make you healthier from the outside but also boost your mental health.

Stay Tuned, Stay Relevant and most importantly Stay Healthy!




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