Tips To Treat Diaper Rash In Babies
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Sneha Sarkar
2 years ago
Tips To Treat Diaper Rash In Babies

Does your baby’s bum look red and angry these days? If your child is below 2 years of age then there are chances that they might have a diaper rash.

Diaper Rash


What is diaper rash?

Diaper rash is a common term to describe inflammation in the diaper area which causes uncomfortable sensation and redness on the areas of skin that come in contact with a diaper. Most children suffer from diaper rash at least once before they are toilet trained.

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causes diaper rash

Usually, diaper rash occurs due to the following reasons:


Rubbing or chafing from a tight diaper

rubbing of diaper


A diaper can be tight. Try getting your finger between your baby’s belly and the diaper, if you can't then it’s too snug. Diapers being too tight cause excessive rubbing giving rise to rashes.


A dirty diaper that has been left on for a long time 
Dirty diaper

As the baby's skin is sensitive, lying around in a wet diaper can cause skin irritation that can lead to redness of the skin. Therefore Doctors recommend changing the diaper as soon as you notice it’s wet.

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Urine changes the skin's pH levels and creates a warm, moist environment where bacteria and fungi can thrive, causing infections in the form of rashes.



The sensitive skin of your baby can be susceptible to uncomfortable reactions to substances in diapers, which often cause redness or inflamed skin ie. diaper rash.



Here's one good thing, diaper rashes are easy to notice. You can detect it early on by watching out for certain diaper rash symptoms and signs which are mentioned below:

Symptoms of rash

  • Redness in the area of the diaper region which includes buttocks, thighs, and genitals.
  • Affected skin may feel warm to the touch
  • Blisters, peeling
  •  Pimples ( may drain pus), sores, boils 
  • Your baby may react when urine or stool touches the rash
  • Your baby seems sick, unhappy, or unable to sleep.
  • A baby with a diaper rash often fusses or cries when the diaper area is washed or touched.
  •  Itchiness around anus
  • Baby can develop fever



If your baby’s diaper rash is mild, luckily it's easy to treat them with some smart practices at home. With the consistency of home treatment, you will be able to see an improvement in a few days( 3-5 days). Below are a few tips that can help you treat diaper rash:


Change diapers frequently
Diaper change

Changing your baby's diaper every two or three hours and as soon as it gets wet is what the doctor recommends. Wet or soiled diapers can give rise to various forms of infections. 


Encourage bare bottom time 

Let your baby spend time without their diaper on so their skin can have a break. You can place your baby on a clean towel and let them play. Exposure to air will help the skin to breathe and enhance the healing process of rashes.

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Always try to keep the area clean

Diaper hygiene

Make sure to bathe your baby possibly every day to keep their skin clean. Wash your hands every time after changing your baby's diaper to reduce the chances of spreading the infection to other people or other parts of your baby's body. This also prevents it from happening again in the future.


Try coating the skin with a thick barrier


Once your baby's skin is dry, use a barrier ointment such as petroleum jelly or an over-the-counter ointment and apply a thick coat on the skin that has redness or rashes. This will help protect the skin having rashes from getting any further harm.


Avoid using wet wipes
Baby wipes

Doctors have long known that the preservatives used in wet wipes cause rashes, especially on irritated or inflamed skin. Instead of using wipes, try using warm water and mild soaps. Pat dry the area and see if the rashes clear up in some days.


Switch to disposable diapers

Consider using breathable disposable diapers especially when your baby gets rashes. If you want to use cloth diapers, ensure that you wash them with gentle soap and sundry them. Try to avoid fabric softeners as they contain chemicals and fragrances which can make any existing rash worse.

Happy baby

Your baby’s rash can also develop into a secondary yeast or fungal infection called candidiasis which appears bright red and raw. Also sometimes red rashes are found in the creases outside the diaper area on the abdomen or thigh known as satellite lesions. If you notice these symptoms getting severe or your child becomes difficult to console due to pain related to rashes, then it's high time that you call or visit the doctor.

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Healthy baby