Reliable Recipes - Apple Muffins
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Prerna Singh
4 years ago
Yummy apple muffins recipe

Do your kids find apples a boring fruit? Well time to take out your magic wand and do a little magic with the usual boring apples.

Let’s gear up for a lip-smacking muffin which will leave your kids asking for more! And you won't be able to deny them because these muffins are loaded with the goodness of all those nutrients which your kids need daily!

So gather your baking stuff as we start with the recipe.

Whole wheat flour 2 cups
 Baking soda 2 Tsp.
Baking powder 1 Tsp.
Cinnamon 1 Tsp.
Salt 1 Tsp.
Eggs 3 (large)
Maple Syrup 2/3rd cup
Coconut oil 1/3rd  cup
 Apple sauce (unsweetened) 1/3rd cup
Vanilla essence 2 Tsp.
Grated apples 2 cups
Walnuts ½ cup


How to make lip-smacking apple muffins?

1. Set your oven to 425 degrees and prepare your baking tin for the first batch of muffins

2. Take a bowl and pour in your flour, baking soda, baking powder along with salt and cinnamon

3. Take another bowl, add eggs, maple syrup, coconut oil, vanilla essence, and apple sauce, whisk them all together

4. Once you have whisked everything right, transfer the content from the first bowl that you had created in the first step, into this bowl.

5. Make sure that you add your grated apples and walnuts before you combine Steps 2 and 3

6. Now, it's time to pour the mixture into your well-prepared muffin cups.

7. Once you have your muffin cups ready, bake them for 5 minutes at 425-degree temperature and then decrease the temperature to 350 degrees.

8. Bake for 12 to 18 minutes, check whether your batch is ready by inserting a toothpick in your muffins.

9. If it comes out clean, your muffins are ready!

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healthy food