The Necessity of Creating a Conducive Environment for Learning
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Abhilasha Rai
9 months ago
The Necessity of Creating a Conducive Environment for Learning

The spaces and context in which a young child grows and learns are referred to as a learning environment. It goes without saying that our surroundings have an immense impact on us both consciously and unconsciously. The environment we are in can either motivate us to focus on our tasks or cause distractions that cause us to lose focus. The environment in which students learn and study has an impact on their productivity.

Because students spend approximately 6 to 7 hours per day in their classrooms, it is critical for educators to provide a conducive learning environment for their students. Creating a learning environment for students benefits more than just the students; teachers will find it easier and more enjoyable to teach students who are focused on their lessons. A child’s learning experience can be influenced by a variety of factors. Parents, carers, and the presence of other children, for example, can all have an impact on your child’s learning and receptiveness. However, a child’s learning environment is critical to his or her development, particularly in the early years.

Let’s have a closer look at what makes a conducive learning environment, as well as the benefits of having one.

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Advantages of a Conducive Learning Environment

students and teacher in classroom, Advantages of a Conducive Learning Environment

An engaging learning environment provides the following:

  • Boosts student interaction with peers and teachers.
  • Students are given frequent feedback; however, tasks require more time, effort, and investment.
  • Allows students to apply what they’ve learned in other situations.
  • Allows for the exploration of diversity
  • Improving social skills.
  • Establishing and maintaining successful personal relationships.
  • Increased ability to empathise with others.
  • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem as a result of growing up in a supportive environment.
  • Possessing positive attitudes toward learning.


What makes a Conducive Learning Environment Engaging?

boy studying

Student motivation and active learning are the two main components of engaged learning. A student’s motivation is determined by their value for learning and their expectations of success in learning. If a student believes they can succeed and values learning, they will be highly motivated. Students who are interested in learning and seeking information will naturally engage if they have positive learning experiences and influence over the learning environment.

Active learning does not imply physical movement, but rather the active engagement of a student’s mind in the learning process. Students are active participants in their learning, with opportunities to connect prior knowledge to new discoveries, resulting in deeper connections that increase the likelihood that they will understand and retain the knowledge. Modern teaching methods, which rely heavily on lectures and PowerPoint presentations, frequently turn students into passive recipients of knowledge rather than active learners.

Classrooms become communities of learning in an engaged learning environment. This sense of community allows students to feel connected to one another and to their teachers, allowing them to participate in collaborative, active learning. Students not only learn logically, but they also get to explore learning in a way that engages their relevant feelings and interests. It also allows for more individualised learning, with each student progressing at their own pace.


What to Look for in a Good Learning Environment

children studying, conducive learning environment

The primary factors that contribute to establishing an effective and positive learning environment are as follows. Let’s go over some of the most important aspects.

  • Stimulates the Senses: A conducive learning environment should include elements that engage all five senses and stimulate thought, open-ended outcomes, and creativity. For example, the learning environment should include toys and materials of various colours, textures, and scents. It promotes the use of the outdoors for learning and walks, both of which improve learning abilities. Being outside allows children to be more physically active, improves their motor skills, and strengthens their immune systems.
  • Needs of Learners are Met: The same psychological needs that adults have for order and security, love and belonging, competence and personal power, novelty and freedom, and even fun, exist in learners as well. It’s critical to consistently address these needs, support students’ growth, and ensure a positive learning environment. Students are generally happier and more engaged in learning environments where teachers meet these innate needs. Less behavioural incidents occur, and the supportive learning environment encourages students to adopt a positive learning attitude and build strong relationships with their peers.
  • Encourages Positive Frame of Mind: Praise is far more effectively received by students than punishment. In contrast to humiliation, which is extremely demoralising, appreciation is the secret of motivation. The ability to freely express one’s thoughts is something that learners value, and their attitude toward learning is also greatly influenced by the opinions of their peers. The greatest method to reduce disruptive conduct in a setting conducive to study is to start correcting it without putting students on the spot.
  • Incorporates Fun in Learning: A learning platform that fosters robust connections and cooperative learning culture is beneficial. Non-competitive games and activities dismantle cliques within a classroom and provide new and timid pupils with a sense of community. Such activities foster cooperation among team members, encourage communication, and create cooperative learning environments. There are countless games and activities for groups that are employed in classrooms. These enjoyable activities pique students’ interest in coming to class and promote learning and advancement in a more welcoming setting.
  • Safety is Prioritized: A good learning environment provides a secure platform for students. Students must feel safe both mentally and physically before they can be expected to succeed academically. While most schools implement physical safety measures, few learning platforms consider the mental safety of their students. Safety in the classroom extends beyond physical well-being. Also, they must feel supported, welcomed, and respected in order to maintain a safe learning environment for others as well. As a result, creating a positive learning environment is more about maintaining a healthy culture in which expectations are clearly communicated and learners are fully aware of the code of conduct.

The process of experiencing, reflecting, critically analysing, and constructing new knowledge visible through actions is referred to as conducive and effective learning. Happy English School aims at celebrating learning in a vibrant, safe environment that values each individual's growth. Students' learning is at the heart of the Happy English School community. All other members, including parents, teachers, leaders, support staff, and administrative personnel, are constantly learning to help students learn.

Happy English School, creates a conducive environment for learning

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Happy English School aims to provide a child with a holistic education that will prepare him or her to lead an empowered future life. A joyful and happy environment nurtures the child, exposes them to a variety of experiences, and allows them to acquire a plethora of skills that they can apply later in life. The values they instill guide the students in the right direction.

Life at Happy English School stimulates the child’s desire to learn and ignites the mind to foster critical thinking. Critical thinking learning stages gradually develop a rational mind that copes with all situations in life and analyses to make informed decisions when necessary. At Happy English School, schooling is never a chore.

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