Importance of Montessori learning in child development
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Disha Gupta
4 years ago
Swati Arora on Montessori learning


Ms. Swati Arora joins us to discuss her experience with the Montesorri was of leaning and the impact it has had on the upbringing of her absolutely adorable child, Avyaan. She clears many of our queries on this form of learning and shares her views on much more.

Check out the full session for much more:

Watch | Play-Based Learning – Montessori Way With Swati Arora


Q. Swati, please tell us something about yourself.

I am a full-time working professional. I work with an MNC. I am a Tax Consultant. I then look after Avyaan who is going to be 2 next month. So, I look after him although I have a full-time nanny who supports me in that. I also co-founded Dress Story by Sister along with my sister. So, we run our fashion chain online.


Q. Tell us something about what Montessori actually is, as many parents might not have an idea.

Basically, Montessori is a term that is really hi-tech. But I will explain it in a layman’s language for followers and readers. So basically, we are providing an environment for our kids to raise them to do everything independently. We are preparing our kids for life. Not for any school or a competition per se. We are just giving an environment to our kids to explore their creativity and so that they can manage life and work in a productive manner.


Q. What is the right age for this type of schooling?

As I just mentioned that it’s not a type of schooling but yes there are a lot of Montessori schools where we can enroll our kid. We should use the Montessori way with our kids as soon as they are born.

We can start by giving them books and reading to them. Give a touch and feel of books to the kids. Keep on talking to them. Enhance their vocabulary. We can give a mirror to them. So that they can see themselves in front of the mirror and they can check their reflection. These are small things we can start initially and then we can increase their level as the kids grow. We can start with something very basic like the touch concept or feel concept.

The hugging and kissing concept is also something we can give to our kid as soon as he is born so they understand what love is and what care is. Everybody says that kids are very attached to their mothers. There is a certain reason for that. The reason is that the mother is every time cuddling the kid, giving lots of love. They are just expressing themselves to the kid. Let them explore you. You just try to make them know and understand that they are in a safe corner with you, that is it.


Q. What has your experience been with your own child ever since you implemented the Montessori way?

Montessori learning activities

Avyaan has grown up with books. We introduced books at a very early age when Avyaan was just 6 to 7 months old. We were very fascinated and not really sure how Avyaan will react to the books. But now he is going to be 2 years soon and he knows each and every page of the book. It was quite shocking for me also initially but now I know how he has gathered all the information. Now he keeps on asking about more and more books. That is the reason I have created a special setup for Avyaan at my place. There’s a Montessori shelf I have created.

What happens with the kids generally is they end up getting bored so easily. Their attention span is very less. And if you give 10 toys to kids in one go, they will not pick any of the toys or they might pick a few only for a couple of seconds because they are not able to concentrate. The reason for Montessori is we should give a limited number of things to the kids. So, they can focus on one point. And then they can use all their senses and things on that one product.

For example, if I would give books to Avyaan; I will just give him 5 minutes to explore and observe what a book is about. Because when I take the book and start reading, he will lose his attention. He just wanted to understand the book with the pictures, and you know with his own imagination. So, once he will get that imagination then only after 5 to 10 minutes, he will come back to me and say mom can you please read this book. 


Q. Any last message you would like to give our readers?

I just want to tell all the readers that never force your child to do anything. First, never compare your child with any other kid because every child is different.  Every child is the best child. It’s just you have to give the best environment to the kid. I am sure you as a parent are giving the best environment to your kid. Just be patient with the kid. Don’t become impatient because that kid is doing something or Avyaan is doing something. Just give them some time. Avyaan is not doing it in one go. There is a lot of work involved and a lot of time involved for him to reach that level. So, be very patient with your kid. Every kid is a star. No comparison nothing, we all are doing our best. Whether it’s full-time work or stay at home, every mom is struggling to give the best environment to their kids. So, just be happy. If you will be happy your kid will be happy. If your family will be happy then things will fall in place. 

To learn more about Swati Arora and her son, Avyaan, follow them @swati_avyaan_mommy


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mom blogger
Montessori learning