Significance of the Theory of Teaching in Student’s Education

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Significance of the Theory of Teaching in Student’s Education

“A theory of teaching is a set of interrelated constructs, definitions, prepositions which represent a systematic view of teaching by specifying relations among variables with the purpose of explaining and predicting.” 

- Kerlinger (1965)

Teaching or educating has been a profound medium of activity through which individuals acquire knowledge, skills and morals. The act of teaching falls under the domain of an educator who imparts the best of their knowledge and education to others either in an educational institute or lectures that take place in organisations or communities.

Teaching and instructing others have been initiated since the dawn of time and it can be traced to the time of Confucius, an ancient Chinese philosopher and politician during 561 B.C. He was the first famous private teacher. Private teaching found its roots in ancient times and it is through this that many well-to-do people of the time hired private teachers, sooner or later; the system of teacher training was implemented when educational institutes came into existence. 

In this article, we will be exploring the aspects that fall under the theory of teaching and pedagogy and the benefits that come from a practical teaching theory implemented in educational institutes. 

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What is Teaching?

Teacher teaching students in classroom

Simply put, teaching refers to the act of imparting knowledge to others through the medium of an educator. A teacher or educator is the main source through which he/she gives out the best of their knowledge through specific methodologies so that the pupils who listen to their teaching receive a good amount of what has been taught. 

Teaching, in its entirety, would also involve the methodologies that educators use to impart education. Hence, these methodologies that are implemented by teachers so as to draw out the right amount of positive results and effectiveness in their student’s learning progress are of utmost importance. For example, students of a certain grade in school under the teaching and guidance of one particular teacher performing and achieving the best results in their exams would be an outcome executed beautifully through the teaching theories of the educator. The teacher's ability to help the students understand concepts and topics better is a prime example of fruitful methodologies implemented. But let us not forget the healthy studying habits and endurance of the students too. 


Theory of Teaching/ Teaching Theories 

A teacher teaching: Theory of teaching

Kerlinger’s definition of the theory of teaching, stated at the beginning of this article, helps us to derive three important aspects related to teaching:

  • How do Teachers Behave: The role of a teacher functions with much diversity attached to it due to the situations that come face to face with them. Most times, they act as educators and instructors and give lectures to their pupils in classrooms; at times, they may act as motivators and counsellors to instruct their students to do well in life and how to take care of themselves mentally and physically. Now, the teacher acts accordingly to the situation, this behavioural aspect is notable due to their role, first and foremost, an educator.
  • How do they Behave as they Perform: The teacher tries his/her utmost to be able to teach and instruct their pupils well accordingly. Hence, it can be noted that a positive attitude and enthusiasm from the teacher can bring about a better learning environment for the students too. When an educator is also able to execute his/her teaching theories efficiently, the students can learn better. Therefore, the behaviour of the teacher in the school environment is indefinitely important.
  • What is the Expected Outcome: This aspect deals with the positive outcome of the teaching methodologies that are implemented by the teachers for the students. The effectiveness and efficiency of these methodologies would be further revealed through the students if they are able to understand those concepts that are taught and are able to follow up on their skills and enhance critical and inventive skills all the better. This would be a predicted outcome of the teaching methodologies introduced for the students.


Pedagogy in Education

Man and woman teaching a child

Pedagogy refers to the methods and practice of teaching or of a teacher. This term clubs the teaching approach and styles of the teacher; the usage of different teaching theories and assessments, including how they give feedback. Basically, pedagogy refers to the approaches a teacher takes to deliver the curriculum to the class. 

Teaching Pedagogy 

Teaching methods and their usage by teaching instructors are crucial, the approaches taken can either be teacher-centred or student-centred and can even be low or high-tech. Teacher-centred learning focuses on the teacher giving lectures and providing necessary content for learning through a direct institution. Assessments take place at the end of the term and this decides whether students have remembered what they have learnt or not. Student-centred learning focuses on the student’s active participation in the learning process. The teacher monitors the students and helps them likewise, provided the content is still given.

Formative assessments form the basis and are given frequently to assess the student’s learning progress. Digital tools’ usage can also vary; their incorporation in the classroom would allow for a Learning management system (LMS), and low-tech usage would often involve the conventional approach and are more paper-based and worksheets. 

Learning Pedagogy

Learning pedagogy refers to the different ways students understand information. It is actively dependent on the teaching pedagogy as it supports the student’s learning habits. Teachers know the range of every student hence they try to introduce different approaches to help each student learn best. The usage of different types of intelligence to support each student is equitably essential and they include: 

  • Spatial-visual Intelligence: usage of puzzles, following maps and directional integration.
  • Verbal-linguistic Intelligence: this focuses on words, both written and spoken.
  • Interpersonal Intelligence: focuses on our intuitive and detecting aspects, responsive nature and relationships. 
  • Intrapersonal Intelligence: focuses on our inert feelings, values and beliefs and critical skills. 

Now, let us have a look at an educational institute which focuses on the importance of learning pedagogy and co-curricular activities, i.e., Master Mind Global English School.

Master Mind Global English School

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Located in: Bhosari, Pune
Affiliation: CBSE
Co-ed status: Coed
Established in: 2017

Master Mind Global English School is an English medium school which provides high-quality education that prepares students to face future endeavours positively. The school focuses on imparting education to their students and achieve excellence and reach their true potential enhancing their skills and having progressive growth in their academics, creativity, physicality, mentality, morality and spirituality. E-Learning is a main component of this school and the Cognitive Learning Approach is of the essence.

Interactive sessions take full form in classrooms and the school strives to proceed further with new teaching and learning pedagogy. Co-curricular activities are laid emphasis upon and the school seeks to empower its students to take an active part in athletic events since outdoor activities are essential for developing a healthy and fit physique. Therefore, the curriculum of the school is well designed to include sporting activities and every other necessity required for the student’s fruitful growth and development. 

In conclusion, it is of utmost importance for teaching theories to be effective in their usage. Since a meaningful outcome is expected from a student, it is also the duty of the educator to do all that is necessary to introduce and implement teaching methodologies that can only result in better results in a student’s performance. However, for this to function effectively; it is also the duty of the student to maintain his main responsibility, which is to study and always try to improve in everything that he/she does. 

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