Combining In-person and Online Learning: Advantages of Blended Learning
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Combining In-person and Online Learning: Advantages of Blended Learning

The 21st century has witnessed changes and development in many spheres, with every initiative taken to strengthen every field to meet a viable conclusion necessary for the betterment of everyone. The educational sphere has surely introduced learning facilities and teaching methods that are efficient and effective in every aspect.

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Schools have adopted methods essential for teaching that differ from the normal classroom methodology as technology has advanced much further giving way to education to enter a phase where it can be imparted in a unique manner.

In-person and online learning, in the literal sense, these terms refer to the traditional learning methods and computer-based learning respectively, that are implemented in educational institutes globally.

Let's take a moment to talk about these terms in this article, looking at the more improved method of learning, the blending of in-person and online learning, while also looking at the advantages of blended learning.

This method of learning was initially implemented in March 2021, with the onset of COVID-19, the world was at a standstill and almost every workplace and school had to remain closed, hence educational institutes alternated between in-person and online learning, making way for the blending mode of conduct in learning. During the pandemic, most schools had to make the best of everything, the start-up for online mode was met with a few difficulties but however, the fruitful aspect of this was that evidently everyone learnt to make good use of the facilities of the internet and technology available.

Therefore, a gradual increase in the use of technology for educational purposes was seen and most of which, schools took up to offering the blended mode of learning where the usage of internet platforms was brought forth and also putting emphasis on the traditional learning methods. With the use of online spaces for classrooms, several advantages can be noticed in blended learning, combining online mode with face-to-face classes, has helped students understand concepts clearly within a short period of time.

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Advantages of Blended Learning

Blended learning in the classroom


With the coming picture of blended learning, flexibility is one of its main aspects. In a sense, blended learning allows you to manage your time efficiently. Problems can always surface in our lives when a student is unwell and cannot attend classes physically but there is also this need to not miss classes, therefore, blended learning has brought about changes which solve these very problems. It offers solutions like:

  • Understanding concepts at our own pace
  • Learning concepts whenever we want and wherever we can
  • Working best with a schedule that invariably helps us with a lecture
  • Making good use of digital materials available

With flexibility in blended learning, it can be expected that there will be fewer absences on the part of the students. Physical health can always pose a problem to students, making them unwell and this acts as a barrier to them from coming to classes on days. Hence, whilst in an online space, they can attend classes or listen to lectures from the comfort of their homes. Blended learning helps boost academic achievement and creates a more tolerant environment for all.

Use of Essential Resources

Truth be told, most people prefer learning from home rather than in person. In blended learning, people have access to all sorts of sources essential for their field, they make use of different methodologies and reach out to many sources of information and hence these ideals are combined. With this very combination, students are more likely to know what works for them and this makes it easier for them as they can now concentrate on their unique learning styles saving both time and energy. Therefore, valuable skills and techniques can be endured throughout by the students and can be used in the required field.

In addition, well-equipped classrooms require more energy and resources. A virtual classroom might be more dependent on the number of cost-effective resources but has sensible factors and functionalities. With a more integrated learning experience, there will be more interactive opportunities and making use of digital exercises. Thus, classrooms for face-to-face classes are often used for practical lessons when the presence of the students is required.

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Effective usage of Technology

Technology has been a crucial aspect of our day-to-day life. It has been incorporated by many educational institutes to facilitate a unique learning style all over. Understanding the gravity and significance of technology in our lives, it offers many benefits including it helps students advance personalized learning, assisting students with their individual needs on a greater level, supporting different types of learners and giving ways for collaborative ideals.

During the pandemic, almost everyone or everything had to rely on technology to meet demands and services, hence everyone had to learn how to make good use of the technology available, giving way for the technological sphere to expand and thrive.

Evidently, it has been effective ever since, therefore the more we understand technology, the better.

Effectiveness and Personalization

Blended learning has not only been an effective method but has been advantageous in facilitating and shaping the minds of students for the better. Students feel more confident in their abilities and are becoming more independent, enduring self-discipline; an essential quality in a world full of distractions, creative learning approaches are used and followed by the students respectively, reaching out to people has never been this easy with the use of technology and the use of online platforms, it has also reduced the stress and anxiety associated with the school environment.

Time Management and Accessibility

Time management and accessibility are two other main advantages of blended learning, having a schedule and following it accordingly make it favourable for the student, allowing them to create an atmosphere conducive to learning and making them follow lectures accordingly and also making time for other curricular activities.

Accessibility; learners don’t have to travel every day to the classroom and then back home, thus students are more inclined to attend classes from anywhere, encouraging more people to study and also creating networking opportunities.

Let’s talk about a school which is devoted much to the introduction and the use of the several advantages of blended learning.

Maxfort School Rohini has in its motto the very essence to “empower children with life skills to excel in future”, with this in mind, the school has worked and implemented blended learning in its methodologies to work with a vision that also focuses on life beyond schooling and education. The teaching curriculum provides students with essential life skills that are equally important in life.

Maxfort School Rohini

The school places equal emphasis on academic excellence as well as preparing its students to be successful adults in the future. With their vision to focus on education that exposes the students to provisions where they can seek their own answers, in a sense, the students broaden their minds to understand concepts in a unique manner. Improvement in the learning process, Maxfort School utilises technology including Learning Management System (LMS), International online teaching-learning programmes, virtual lab and e-library. The school also combines a variety of in-person and online methodologies, aspiring to develop future leaders with a global perspective.

The other branch of this school is the Maxfort International School in Pitampura, North West Delhi, which is considered an “excellent school,” and has been working to provide more unconventional methods of teaching-learning for their students and teachers which are fruitful in every sense of the term. The school has always highlighted factual and experimental learning as essential for students to meet better outcomes for themselves.

Maxfort International School

In-person and online methodologies have their own advantages. Hence, blended learning is so effective and has been implemented by many educational institutes to meet certain challenges. Combining both formats to provide a unique learning experience without weak points, blended learning models exist in several materials and teachers’ expectations.

Blended learning has proven to be effective and has promoted and contributed so much to the development of students in their capacity to strive for better ambitions and become better individuals in every way. The advantages of blended learning are the main bearings making it a fine example in the educational sphere where a student can search for better prospects from what was taught and has developed all the necessary life skills that b-learning has imparted.

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