When to avoid exercises during pregnancy?

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Riya Sree Kaishyap
3 years ago
Healthy pregnancy

Source: Times of India

Pregnancy is a time when a woman requires utmost love, care and assistance. Although a pregnant woman is asked to be careful at all times, a little exercise is always good for the mother and the baby. But can this exercise be harmful at any time? Yes, it can. Here is a list of circumstances wherein you should avoid exercising during your pregnancy.

  • If your firstborn was a premature baby, engaging in exercises can make it the same for the one in your womb. Avoid exercising if you are experiencing contractions right after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks in your current pregnancy.
  • Avoid exercising if you have a history of miscarriage or are experiencing any signs related to it. Pregnant women usually avoid exercising for the first 12 weeks to avoid miscarriage.
  • It is advisable to avoid a lot of physical activity in case of placental problems. Women with placental problems need to be extra careful in the first trimester. Later, they can resume physical activities in small quantities.
  • Pregnant women that might be suffering from any kind of heart or lung diseases must avoid aerobic exercises at all costs. Aerobic exercises lead to an increased heart rate and oxygen requirements that can be harmful to these ladies.

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