What is the pandemic teaching kids

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Mayank Jain
3 years ago
parents and kids
What is the pandemic teaching kids

Source: The Indian Express

Despite all the gloom, despair, grief, frustration, and anger all around us, there is a small sliver of hope. That this pandemic is teaching children some very vital life skills. That when it’s all behind us, they would have emerged wiser, kinder, more responsible, more caring.

It may have been financial, job stress, worry about elderly parents coping alone, anxiety about children’s exams or a school year spent in lockdown, or worse, getting the virus and/or looking after someone who has. It may even have been about managing a hospital bed for a friend or an oxygen cylinder for a relative. 

Any crisis is all things horrible, but it is also a huge teacher and presents us with an opportunity to teach children so many vital values and skills that will carry them through life. Undoubtedly, the pandemic will leave a trail of death and destruction, but if it can make future adults a tad kinder, more engaged and responsible, more independent, and more empathetic, then that would possibly be the only silver lining in this very dark cloud.

Also read: Supporting Children's learning during lockdown