Smartphone Safety Tips for Teenagers

icon 14-16
Riya Sree Kaishyap
3 years ago
safety measures
cyber safety

Source: Times of India

Phones are an important asset. Nowadays, even teenagers have their phones and it is rightly a necessity during these times. However, along with a phone comes the concern of phone safety- a matter of utmost importance. 

Our phones have every small detail regarding us etched into it. Hence, it becomes very important that we stay safe while using phones. Here are some Smartphone safety tips for teenagers that can save them from any possible exploitation.

  • Always keep your phone locked. Do not share the password with anyone except your parents.
  • Check your privacy settings from time-to-time. Make sure that you have the tabs on who has access to the information that you share online.
  • Personal and private information is not meant to be shared online. Over-sharing can be dangerous.
  • Follow a schedule. Have a ‘no-phone time’ inserted in your daily schedule. 
  • Stay safe from cyberbullying. Also, make sure that you are not the one that’s bullying other people online.
  • Follow these safety tips and your Smartphone will always be a safe gadget.

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