Schools in Odisha to hold online exams

icon 14-16
Riya Sree Kaishyap
3 years ago
Class 11
Class 9
Online exams
Final exams

Source: Times of India

The Odisha government just released a new set of covid-19 guidelines to be followed in the month of March. Notable among these is the decision to hold online exams for the students of classes IX and XI in Odisha. 

After the recent surge of covid-19 cases in some places, the state government of Odisha was quite concerned about holding the class IX and XI finals offline. Given the current situation, the Special Relief Commissioner mentioned that schools and the mass education department can allow intra-school class promotional examinations for the 9th and 11th standards. Willing students can sit for their online exams with the consent of their parents.

However many school schools are citing that most of the parents are in favour of conducting exams offline as online exams might involve a lot of malpractice.

Also Read | How To Resist Helping Your Children During Online Exams