Things parents should teach their toddler about real friendship

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Pratham Suwal
3 years ago
Things parents should teach their toddler about real friendship

Source: Times of India

This was the time when they would have been meeting and interacting with their peers. This is the age when they should be learning about making friends and navigating relationships. But Covid has put everything upside down. all parents of little ones can utilize this time to help them understand the concept of friendship.

Parents want their children to be surrounded by friends who bring out the best in them. But it is also important to see that it also brings out the best in their child's friends. Do not talk negatively about the friend in the presence of a child. Reinforce good behavior, encourage them to cheer for their friend, and celebrate his achievements.

Helping children understand how it feels to be with another child. Asking them how it felt to spend time with a specific child. Do not fix the issues they raise, immediately. Try and empower them. Suggest how they can respond and let them know parents have their back. Allow them to get hurt, acknowledge and recover.

When a child enters a class or a playgroup, they will have to cooperate and play together or learn concepts together. Since, it is important to share smiles, toys as well as time! Parents must teach them how fun and important it is to work together and explore life together since it is an important part of a friendship.

Also read: How parents can help kids in making friends