New Age Criteria Might be Issued for KV Admissions

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Riya Sree Kaishyap
2 years ago
Age Criteria
Kendriya Vidyalaya
Admission Class 1
New Age Criteria Might be Issued for KV Admissions

The Delhi High Court, on Monday, ruled that there cannot be two age criteria for admission to the same class. The High Court mandated that there cannot be two sets of schools with different age criteria- one setting six years as the minimum age for admission to class I and the other setting the minimum age of five- for the same education.

The High Court mandated that while Kendriya Vidyalaya’s decision to set the minimum age of 6 years for admission to class I did not interfere with NEP. However, it was also mentioned that having two different age criteria for admission to class I would ‘lead to an anomalous situation’. The court mentioned, “In Delhi, you can’t have two kinds of schools giving the same education. We can’t have this type of disparity in NCT. You (Centre) have to work (it) out and apply your mind.”

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However, there is yet more to be heard in this matter, and the next hearing is scheduled for March 16th.

Source: The Indian Express