Jharkhand Schools See Increase in Attendance A Month After Reopening

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Ezyschooling Correspondent
3 years ago
reopening of schools

Source: Indian Express

Nearly a month after the Jharkhand government permitted for the first time since the pandemic to start physical classes of standard 10 and 12 in the state, there has been a marked improvement in the attendance of the students in the government and government-aided schools. The state government started collecting the data two days after the classes started on December 21 and found that on January 12 an average of 36 per cent of total enrolled students in class 10 and 12 was present, compared to 21 per cent on December 23.


According to the data available, there are 2337 government and government-aided schools in Jharkhand, in which more than 2.28 lakh students are enrolled in class 10, while 64, 088 are enrolled in class 12th. On the first day of recording the data, 51, 733 students in class 10 physically came to the classroom and the strength increased to 92,130 students on January 12. In the same period, the strength of class 12th students increased from 13,843 to  23,787 students.