Identifying a Toxic Parent-Child Relationship

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Riya Sree Kaishyap
3 years ago
Unhealthy relationship
Toxic parenting

Source: Times of India

Parents always try and do what they feel is best for their child. But the measures that we adopt to make our kid familiar with the same might not have the effects that we want to have. Instead, it might end up harming the delicate relationship between a parent and their child.

Here’s how you can find out if your approaches to parenting are turning toxic for your child-

  • Physical and verbal abuse is not the way to go. All it does is scaring the tiny soul and might lead to serious mental issues.
  • Manipulating a child to do a thing a certain way is not right. Instead of manipulating them into doing a thing, try to make them understand the importance of doing that.
  • A personal space for a child is as important as it is to an adult. Try not to intrude a lot on their personal space. Also, it’s nothing wrong to let them spend some time on their own.
  • Do not vent out frustrations, be professional or personal pressure, on your child. They might end up believing themselves to be the cause of all your troubles.
  • Overly-criticizing a child can make them feel good-for-nothing. Be critical, but also remember to keep encouraging them.
  • Let your kid work towards their dream and aspirations. Do not burden them with your dreams and expectations.

So look out! Seek the best for your child but take care that the process doesn’t hamper them in any way.

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