Getting your child to follow healthy eating habits!

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Riya Sree Kaishyap
3 years ago
healthy child
eat healthy
healthy food

Source: The Indian Express

When it comes to children, we always want them to follow a healthy lifestyle. But it is easier said than done. A kid is almost always drawn to food that is unhealthy, choosing one of the junks as their favourite food item. 

Here are a few tips for you to embark your child on a journey of eating and living healthy.

  • Kids pay close attention to their parents. So set an example for the kids. Eat healthily, do exercises, be their role model.
  • Make them help you with cooking, even it is as less of help as just handing out ingredients. Kids are always likely to try whatever they have helped with.
  • Introduce smart snacks to keep your kid away from junk like chips. Let them indulge in sweets but try to keep it at a minimum.
  • Make their favourite dishes healthy. For example, you can make use of healthy toppings in their favourite pizzas.

Also, remember them to educate about the benefits of healthy living. You can also make use of videos from the Internet to make your point clear to them.

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