Encouraging healthy body image and self-esteem in kids

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Jyoti Singh
4 years ago
body image
Healthy body image in kids

A healthy body image means the way you feel about your body. If children have a healthy body image they will feel good about their body. It will make them confident. A healthy body image grows over time, starting in babyhood itself. It builds as a child grows up.

Body image in toddlers

Parents help babies feel good about their bodies when they:

1. Give smile and praises
2. Give care and cuddling to babies
3. Play with babies and let their body move

Body image in kids

In order to build a healthy body image in kids parents can:

1. Teach kids about their body
2. Teach them how to take care of their bodies
3. Say nice thing about their looks
4. Show them that you are proud of them

Also Read | How to help your child deal with negative body image?

Body image in teens

Parents can help teen by:

1. Saying nice things about their looks
2. Allow them to try new styles
3. Avoid criticizing them about their looks
4. Make sure that they’re active