The Schools were shut yet Covid infections rose among kids in the second wave

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Pratham Suwal
3 years ago
The Schools were shut yet Covid infections rose among kids in the second wave

Source: Times of India

Pediatricians across the country are seeing a rise in Covid cases among children and this is giving rise to acute anxiety among parents. Reports about the dangers of the third wave and the new virulent strain which reportedly is riskier for kids are flooding everyone’s timeline.

The schools never opened but the playgrounds opened and there are some cases where the children actually got the infection first and then passed it onto the family. Doctors feel it's an active pandemic and children also got simultaneously involved in it because the younger population was working.

Parents have to reinforce the use of masks. For children who are above 2 years, they must wear a cloth mask with an elastic band, not an N95 since they will be bigger for children’s faces. If they go out to play, they should wear it. And when vaccines are made available, people should not hesitate to go for them.

Allergy and asthma have gone down because children are not moving out but children are getting obese because their physical activities are low. As a parent, they should not refrain from getting regular vaccinations due to the active Covid pandemic but these other diseases can flare up again and so routine vaccinations must go on.

Also read: Supporting Children's learning during lockdown