Benefits of After-School Activities

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Pratham Suwal
3 years ago
Benefits of After-School Activities

Source: U.S. News

The gap between the end of school and the end of the business day can present a challenge for parents. This after-school time, typically two to four hours, provides an opportunity for children to learn skills and explore interests. But timing, transportation and costs sometimes get in the way.


Exploring a range of activities, rather than specializing in one, is most beneficial for K-5 students. Once a child demonstrates a particular interest in one activity, parents can then add more instruction or focus on it at home. The same rule applies to sports. Parents should expose their children to many sports, then lean into one in which their child appears to be having fun.


After-school activities provide a host of benefits to elementary school children. They can lead to improvement in grades, school attendance and behavior. Students can practice what they learn in school. They can explore different activities that may not be offered elsewhere and discover new interests. 


Furthermore, because after-school programs are sometimes more diverse than school classrooms, with students of different ages and backgrounds, children can build empathy, communication and teamwork skills.


Also read: Online Extracurricular Activities may help Kids Sharpen Life Skills