Balance digital usage as a family

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Preet Ambhire
3 years ago
digital age
social media
Balance digital usage

Source: Indian Express

According to the American association of pediatric medicine, screen time below 2 years previous isn't recommended, and it should be but 2 hours per day for older children. The term “internet addiction” refers to a swathe of excessive and compulsive technology-related behaviours leading to negative outcomes.

A mother of 2 kids, an eight-year-old girl, and a 10-year-old son shares,  “As a mother, I would be worried if my child’s conversations circle social media, asking if I have their friends’ mothers on my social media, why I haven’t posted about their every little achievement or how many comments and likes a post on them received. Thankfully, my children either simply refuse to be photographed or firmly tell others not to post their pictures on social media.”

Also Read | What are the effects of social media on young minds?

Social media isn’t simply a district of their life, however, if truth be told, a digital fashion could be a manner of life. The suggested age for victimization on social media sites has been pegged at thirteen years and higher.

Here are some ways to take care of a balance during online interactions:

  • Encourage face-to-face interactions
  • Educate them on however social media works
  • Prioritize your privacy and respect others
  • Out of sure usage