A Teenager’s Guide to Revising for Exams

icon 16-18
Riya Sree Kaishyap
3 years ago
Board exams
Revising for exams

Source: Times of India

The pandemic had put education at a halt. Schools and colleges were shut for almost a year and as normal classes resume, students are hit hard with the exam pressure. And even if there’s no pressure, exams are always accompanied by a little anxiety.

But fear not! With these tips, you will be revising for your exams at ease and will complete your exam with grace.

  • Prepare a well-structured schedule. Allot a specific time for each subject and ensure that nothing is left behind.
  • Revise and re-revise important topics until you are confident in yourself. 
  • Collect old question papers and sample papers. Practice one of those for each subject every week.
  • Prioritize taking breaks. It is important to keep your mind clutter-free to be able to concentrate.
  • Include yoga or meditation in your daily routine. It helps to calm your mind down and provides you with the energy that you need to be able to concentrate.

Also, remember to keep your mental health as your top priority. Give in to the exam pressure but also, take out the time to distress yourself.

Also Read | Helping Your Kid With First-Time Exam Pressure