Homeschooling students often get better test results and have more degrees than their peers

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Mayank Jain
3 years ago
parents and kids
Homeschooling students often get better test results and have more degrees than their peers

Source: The Conversation

Homeschooling is now being done by students in various countries. People thinking about homeschooling, or already doing it, may wonder if their child will miss out on the quality of education provided by trained teachers at school. But the available research shows outcomes of homeschooled students are either the same or better than those of their traditionally educated peers.

Homeschooled student’s achievements are as good as those of their schooled peers, particularly for structured approaches. Academic outcomes of homeschooled children are better than, those of traditionally schooled students.

Homeschooled children have the ability to learn in real-life contexts, which could be one reason for their advantageous outcomes. Another is one-on-one mentoring and tutoring opportunities and regular interactions with more informed peers such as older siblings.

Student initiative and agency to pursue interests, freedom for reflective time and imagination, and learning within warm personal relationships are also recognized to homeschooling.

Also read: Homeschooling boomed last year