Some Probable Causes Adressing the Problem of Concentration in Kids
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Sidharth Kavadia
4 years ago
Concentration in Kids

Why do some kids find it hard to focus? Furniture being moved around, someone laughing out loud, two people talking almost anything seems to distract them from the job at hand. Having to work with kids all the time, this is something I face on a regular basis.

Kids in general are active, curious and always running around. So, it is difficult to sit them down and focus on a single task. Many parents often wonder if there is something wrong. Rest assured, this is a normal trait in many children. 

In this article, let us understand why kids have concentration problems. In the next one, we will look at how to resolve it. 

The trouble with the focus can show up in many ways, including:

  • Getting distracted very easily

  • Being fidgety

  • Prone to losing things

  • Unable to keep things organized

  • Unable to follow instructions

  • Trouble with school work

  • Moody, irritable or aggressive nature

  • Unable to maintain friendships


  1. The essentials: hunger and sleep: Being hungry or sleepy can make it hard to focus, even for adults. When kids are hungry or sleep-deprived, they can be easily distracted and more likely to make errors. Kids require at least 8 to 12 hours of sleep to remain mentally alert. 

  2. Distractions around them: Kids are naturally curious and not very eager to sit in one place and work. Their wandering minds are more likely to lack focus if they have too many distractions around them. Television or music playing in the background, the noise coming from outside can all be major distractions. Things happening in their lives; a fight with a friend or an upcoming party to attend can all be distractions. 

  3. Stress and anxiety: When kids go through stressful situations, like trouble at home, a move or death in the family, it can affect focus.

  4. Complicated tasks: If the task at hand is way above the child’s level, it can be hard for her to focus. 

  5. Lack of attention: Kids thrive on the attention they receive from their parents. A feeling of lack of attention can make them not want to focus or complete their work. 

  6. Lack of proper nutrition: Poor nutrition and skipping breakfast is a very common reason for poor concentration. 

  7. Lack of motivation: When children do not have an interest in something, they will have trouble focusing.

  8. Lack of physical activity: Physical activity is very important for the overall development of a child. Lack of it can make the child lazy, lethargic and unable to focus. 

  9. Learning style: Each child comes with their own temperament. While some are visual learners, others can be solitary learners (prefer self-study) or some can be social learners (learn well in a group). If the method of teaching does not match their learning style, getting them to focus is difficult. 

  10. Disorganized setting: A messy room can make one feel cluttered and lead to less focus.

Rectifying the above issues that can have a major impact on your child’s concentration level. However, sometimes, when kids have continued trouble with focus, there may be a deeper problem that needs a professional assessment. Learning difficulties like ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia can cause an inability to concentrate. Taking professional guidance in such cases is the best remedy.

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