Social Developments of a Fourteen Year Old Kid
Society Society
14-16 14-16
Radhika Krishnan
4 years ago
child Social Developments

At fourteen, your child is likely to start showing more complex thinking patterns. However, getting them to discuss those thoughts with you might seem like a task, as their dependency on friends and peers grows. 

Here’s what to expect in terms of their social development:

  • The desire for increased independence makes them turn to friends and peers for support and advice. They may prefer not to confide in parents now. This can lead to friction in the parent-child relationship.

  • They are likely to have a large social circle including friends of both sexes. 

  • Fourteen-year-olds want to be accepted by their high school peers. Individuality is not as important as being part of the group.

  • Fitting into their peer group is very important for them. A feeling of not fitting in can lead to anxiety and loss of self-confidence.

  • They will develop an inclination towards forming romantic relationships. Having a crush or dating someone become the cool thing to do. 

In order for your child to trust you, show an interest in you’re their activities. With their increasing independence, it is okay for your child to have interests which you don’t particularly agree with (as long as they are not dangerous). For example, your child may choose to like music that you dislike. Give up on small battles to ensure you are on top with the more important issues. 

Stay Tuned! Stay Relevant!


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