Your Guide to Shaping Children into Global Citizens
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Riya Sree Kaishyap
3 months ago
Shaping Children into Global Citizens

Have you ever wondered what it would be like for a person to be able to transcend geographical and cultural boundaries? Imagine being able to experience the lives of the global population which is easily 8 million-plus as projected in the UN Report, simultaneously! Well, read on as we explore how children can be shaped into global citizens, enabling them to be aware of and understand the wider world.

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Who/ What is a Global Citizen?

The term global citizen simply refers to someone who is a citizen transcending geographical boundaries. that is, a person who understands the workings of the wider world and is able to equip himself with information about it, while also reaching a wider population. In simple terms, a global citizen is a citizen of the world.

The UN defines global citizenship as “the umbrella term for social, political, environmental, and economic actions of globally minded individuals and communities on a worldwide scale.” It simply refers to engaging oneself with matters that concern the global population at large, engaging with different cultures and identities and being able to contribute towards easing their struggles. 

Also Read | Impact of Globalisation in India: Making India an Economic Powerhouse

What Makes a Global Citizen?

Needless to say, there are certain attributes that make it fit for a person to be called a ‘global citizen’. Here is what being a global citizen entails:

  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: The two must-have qualities in a global citizen, critical thinking and problem-solving help one to come up with solutions effectively. One must be able to reason, both inductively and deductively, in order to come up with efficient solutions to issues that might otherwise seem unsolvable at first glance.
  • Collaborative Sentiment: A global citizen should possess the ability to make themselves one with the community. They should be able to develop a sense of belonging to the community at large, while also willing to collaborate with people from different backgrounds in and for different contexts.
  • Skilled at Technology: The 21st century runs at the mercy of technology, almost every step of the way. A survey has revealed that 86% of teachers believe that a better understanding of technology is crucial in a global citizen. A global citizen must also be able to use technology, and social media, to enhance their understanding of the world and employ the same as effective strategies.
  • Cross-Cultural Adaptability: A global citizen is a citizen of the world. Thus, a global citizen must be aware of the wider world at large. They should be able to adapt well to different cultures and backgrounds. Even studies have shown that 94% of millennials believe that having information about other cultures is a crucial attribute for a global citizen to have. 

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How to make Children into Global Citizens?

Children are the future of a nation or the world at large. It is at the ripe age of childhood that they need to inculcate essential skills and qualities that will help them later in life. 

Furthermore, students, during childhood, can be moulded into responsible future global citizens if offered the right encouragement and some help. Here are some tips to shape children into global citizens-

  • Discuss Global Issues: To be a global citizen, it is essential to know about the global issues that are currently wreaking havoc. Such issues should be discussed in the classroom, while also encouraging students to research the same and come up with possible explanations or solutions in the form of a classroom activity. 
  • Encourage Cultural Curiosity: Children are curious by nature. Given the number of different cultures that we have contact with or at least hear about, children are bound to be curious about them as well. Cater to this curiosity, encourage them to explore other cultures and learn more about them, about their varying customs, beliefs and practices. 

Read More | Cultural Learning: Uniting Hearts, Expanding Minds

  • Imbibe Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is, hands-down, one of the most crucial assets for a global citizen to have. Even in terms of other daily activities, inculcating critical thinking and problem-solving skills can help children in several ways. Such skills can be imbibed by exposing them to environments that require the use of these skills, like a puzzle activity or a series of riddling games.
  • Nurture Humanity: Nurturing humanity is essential for a person to imbibe feelings of empathy and inclusivity- feelings crucial in a global citizen. Children should be encouraged to be compassionate, starting from their classmates to those who help them, people they know and even people they don’t. Collaborative activities should be organised to help them realise that humanity is the most primal instinct for one to possess.

How Go School is Shaping Students into Global Citizens

Go School has been doing a remarkable job when it comes to shaping students into global citizens. A new-age international school, Go School has been commendable in forwarding the scene of online learning in India. 

Go School: Shaping Students into Global Citizens

Go School is an online school, offering education to students from classes 6th to 12th. At Go School, it is ensured that each student receives individual attention with a brilliant student-teacher ratio of 1:1. With its dedication to outcome-based learning and the integration of Hy-Flex learning, the faculty at Go School strives hard for its students to learn the best from the comfort of their homes.

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The school places great importance on holistic education and is constantly working towards educating its students based on values and concepts. In its endeavour to transform its students into global citizens, Go School prepares its students to take on the challenges that life in the 21st century might throw at them. The school also integrates effective counselling in an attempt to ensure that the students sail through future life choices as well.

With the world growing more interconnected each day, it is crucial to imbibe the attributes of a global citizen. And who better than our young kids, who are on their way to becoming responsible citizens of tomorrow, to pass on this baton to?

This article has been reviewed by our panel. The points, views and suggestions put forth in this article have been expressed keeping the best interests of fellow parents in mind. We hope you found the article beneficial.
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