Conducive home environment for online learning
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Itika Gupta
4 years ago
Home based online learning

Despite so many obstacles or challenges, education can never come to a standstill. In today's time, due to corona, we cannot go out and attend our classes physically. Therefore, to maintain the smooth conduct of educational activities, we have optimised our traditional method and prefer the virtual mode of learning. But like each act has both, pros and cons similar is the case with online education. Some people believe that e-learning has more flaws than benefits. Deteriorating eyesight, mental strain, connectivity issues and many more. But the real challenge is to convert these cons into pros and make online learning conducive. Dropping education, until the COVID lasts is not the solution. We have to abide by these online learning modes.


Ways to make e-learning interesting and effective for your kids:-


Prefer homeschooling:
Parents are cautious towards excess exposure to mobile and laptop screens. Even after attending consecutive classes children have to stick to the screens for self-study. One way can be to prefer homeschooling. Avoid virtual schools if possible and take the lead yourself. Sit with your kids and become their teacher. This way they will learn more efficiently. In case parents are not able to relate to their kid’s syllabus, another way can be to focus on their virtual class and learn with them simultaneously. This way they will be more interested in learning and will have to spend lesser time on phones. Moreover, you can easily troubleshoot their queries later on. Try to conduct weekly tests for them in more fun ways. Make quizzes and ask questions to them. This is the better way to make them learn things. In this way, you can have a check on their knowledge and come to know which topics to work on. Indeed, this may add a huge burden on the parents but that's the best way to make online learning worth it. Sometimes kids even face concentration problem. So, make them sit with you and meditate or pray to God. This will no doubt give better results and help them stay away from the negativity prevailing around in this tough time.


 Read | Homeschooling and Unschooling- Alternate Ways to Learn


Make studying fun:

study room

Sometimes kids may not enjoy virtual classes. Sitting isolated and peeping into the screens can make them sad. According to them, the best way to study is by sitting next to your friends but unfortunately, this cannot happen now. A way out that cannot match the classroom fun but surely can make kids happy is by giving them a dummy classroom. It should be a separate room with a study table, chair, big clock, walls adorned with chart papers, bookshelf, or even bean bags to make it attractive and less distracting. Parents can even convert their kid’s bedroom to a study room in case providing a separate room isn't possible. The moto is simply creating an aura. Therefore, the rooms should be clean of playthings or games. Set a timetable and paste it on the wall. Motivating wallpapers, quotes, or globe are some other ways which can give kids a motivation to study. Keep the notifications off in phones and laptops, uninstall games or social media apps from the gizmos and then hand it over to your kids.


Create a mini library:
Being at home sometimes make kids anxious. They wish to go out and spend time with their friends. Therefore, parents need to make the home environment more friendly for them. The tensed atmosphere doesn’t let them concentrate on their studies. One way can be to give them a separate space which has all the basic amenities, from studying to playing so that they remain busy and tension free. To keep them engaged, gift them with a small library. Assign to read some pages and later on, cross-question them from it and reward them with some small gifts if they answer correctly. This will not only keep them busy but also open the doors of imagination for them. Sometimes, try to spend time by reading out books for them. Give them books with different genres, according to their age. Other than fiction, books that instil rules and positive approach to treat the challenges in life is also a good option. Don't just burden them with books or assignments rather focus on some fun activities too so that they don't get stressed at times.

The pandemic situation is a challenge for all. Therefore, be more polite, more friendly and keep a positive attitude towards your family members.

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