Developmental milestones for your baby - 34 months
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Radhika Krishnan
4 years ago

Your toddler is 34 months old! You are probably planning to send your baby to school now if he hasn’t already joined a playgroup. You will also notice your chubby baby turn taller and leaner as she gets ready to touch the 3-year mark. 

Here are the changes to expect:

  • Speech: Your munchkin has a vocabulary of about 200 to 450 words and can follow 3 to 4 step instructions. Stangers are able to comprehend when your little one speaks. 

  • Motor skills: Your doll can walk up and down the stairs, jump, solve simple puzzles, and pedal on a tri-cycle. 

  • Dressing and Undressing: Your child is learning to put on his clothes and take them off. He will still need a lot of help from you though. 

  • Potty training: A lot of kids are potty trained by this time. Some may not be. It is okay. They will get help from you and the school once they begin school next year. It is important to keep it positive always. Also, avoid comparisons with friends who are already done with potty training

  • Attitude: Your little one is probably getting used to a lot of attention at home and thinks she is the most important person in the house. Keep reinforcing the need to be polite and kind. 

  • Sense of humour: Your bundle of joy is developing a sense of humour and enjoying it when others laugh at his silly acts. Get silly with him and spread the laughter. 

  • Sleep: Most kids require about 13-14 hours of sleep, though every child is different. Your little one is busy in the world of play and may resist sleep. Keep up with a good bedtime routine to help your child get adequate sleep. 

  • Food: Your toddler’s appetite may go through ups and downs as they are growing. As long as she displays an upward trend in the growth curve, she is doing fine. Offer healthy meals of 3 meals and 2 snacks daily and let him decide the quantity. 

Engage your little one in drawing shapes and solving simple puzzles. Also, as their social skills are expanding, let them have enough playdates to help them make new friends. 

Stay Tuned! Stay Relevant!

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34 months