7 New year Resolution ideas- Make this your Best year
Family Family
10-12 10-12
Anjali Chaudhary
4 years ago
ideas for new year resolution

As a parent, is your goal this new year related to your kid’s milestones? Potty training, learning to read, learning to ride a bike...these things will eventually work themselves out. Instead have goals as a family that will build values. Here are the ones we have planned. It is always better to make unique new year resolutions as a group because you are able to stick to it together, motivating each other. 

  1. Have a no gadgets day: Decide to spend at least one day a month without any gadgets – no TV, checking emails, or cell phones. Enjoy going out or playing board games at home.

  2. Make it a practice to greet people: Giving your family and friends warm greetings instead of quick ones has a great impact on one’s happiness quotient. 

  3. Start a charitable activity: Make it a family act of helping someone in need. Every month or every quarter, whatever works for you. Collect blankets and give to the needy, celebrate a special day with the less fortunate whatever you can think of.

  4. Exercise together: This could be as simple as taking a walk every day after school, or signing up for yoga class together, or join a dance class together.

  5. Become an eco-friendly family: Adopt ways in which you can reduce the carbon footprint in your house. Involve your kids in recycling items, plant trees together, ensure lights are turned off when anyone leaves the room.

  6. Start a weekly ritual: Have a weekly movie day, or Sunday outing, or a game night. It can be great fun, and great for building family bonds.

  7. Good nutrition: Ensure you include more vegetables in your family meals. Maybe make Sunday breakfast more vegetable-heavy. 

Hope you incorporate these points in your resolutions as well. Wishing all our readers a very happy new year!

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